Page 454 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C4.1. Descriptive characteristics of the randomized controlled trials and comparative cohort studies considered
relevant to KQ4
Author, Year Study name Comparison Study Sample Inclusion criteria Population description: Quality
[Pubmed ID] /Database duration size (total) Age Comments
PSA (ng/mL)
Study design Tumor grade
studies –
Bill-Axelson 213 SPCG-4 WW vs. RP 12.8 yr 695 Newly diagnosed prostate Age: 65 yr A
2011 cancer patients, younger than
21542742 75 years, with life expectancy Mean PSA: 13
>10 years, T0d-T2, WHO well-
RCT moderately differentiated Grade: WW, WHO 1, 47.7%;
tumors. WHO 2, 52.3%; unknown, 0%.
RP, WHO 1, 48.4%; WHO 2,
51.3%; unknown, 0.3%
Stage: WW, T1b, 14.4%; T1c,
10.9%; T2, 74.4%; unknown,
0.3%. RP, T1b, 9.5%; T1c,
12.4; T2, 77.8%; unknown,
Johansson 214 Ancillary WW vs. RP Mean 376 (326 Newly diagnosed prostate Mean age (range): WW, 65 yr B
2009 investigation follow-up responders) cancer patients, younger than (51-74); RP, 64 yr (48-74);
18783877 from SPCG-4 4.1 yr 75 years, with life expectancy Swedish
trial (range: 1-8 >10 years, T0d-T2, WHO well- PSA: NR component
RCT yr) moderately differentiated of SPCG-4
tumors, PSA<50 ng/ml, negative Grade: WW, WHO 1, 47%;
bone scan, health status that WHO 2, 53%, unknown, 0%.
would permit RP, life RP, WHO 1, 46%; WHO 2,
expectancy of >10 yr. 53%, unknown, 1%
Stage: WW, T0, 14%; T1, 24%,
T2, 60%; unknown, 2%. RP,
T0, 12%; T1, 21%; T2, 61%;
unknown, 5%