Page 447 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C3.2. KQ3 multivariable analyses (continued)
 Author   Factors   Data source   Duration   Analyzed   Population   WW/AS   Methods   Results as described in paper
 yr   sample   characteristics  definitions
 Wu 175    Clinical   DOD CPDR   1990-  1158   No metastases    No active   Multivariable   1. Age at dx, per yr, HR=0.96 (CI
 2004   database   2001   treatment   Cox        0.95, 0.98), P<0.001
 14767282        within 9 mo    proportional     2. Log(PSA), per unit, HR=1.43
                 of dx          hazard           (CI, 1.28, 1.60); P<0.001
                                predicts 2º      3. Clinical stage:
                                treatment          - T2 vs. T1, HR=1.32 (CI 1.04,
                                (RP, RT,         1.66), P=0.021
                                ADT) vs.           - T3+T4 vs. T1, HR=1.62 (CI
                                staying on       0.99, 2.63) ; P=0.054
                                                 NS: highest Gleason sum ; FH;
                                                 comorbidity; dead or alive
 van As 172    Clinical   Royal   2002-  326 recruited   Localized   PSA q 1   Multivariable   free/total PSA ratio (P<0.001) and
 2008   Marsden   2006   disease   mo yr1, q 3   Cox   T stage (P=0.006) were
 18342430   Hospital, UK;      mo yr 2,   regression   independent predictors of time to
 pts dx’d in a   then q 6       with respect     radical treatment in patients on AS
 number of       mo;            to radical
 centers         Bx at 18       treatment for    NS: initial PSA; PSA density;
                 mo – 2 yr      patients who     Gleason; % positive core; Number
                 Treat if       elected AS       of positive cores; prostate volume
                 velocity >1                     Median f/u of 22 mo
                 Gleason ≥
                 4+3 or

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