Page 443 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 443

Appendix Table C3.2. KQ3 multivariable analyses (continued)
 Author   Factors   Data source   Duration   Analyzed   Population   WW/AS   Methods   Results as described in paper
 yr   sample   characteristics  definitions
 Meng 167    Social,   CaPSURE   1989-  457   Men with   Not   Cox   Of the 457 men initially treated
 2003   clinical,   2001   localized   explicitly   proportional   with WW, 188 (41%) received
 14634396   delivery   prostate cancer   provided   hazards   subsequent active treatment at a
 system   who chose WW          models with      median of 1.7 yr.
 as the initial                 backward
 treatment within               stepwise         1. Disease risk (D’Amico),
 9 mo of the dx,                regression         - High vs. low risk of prostate
 no active                      (stay criteria   cancer: HR=2.75 (CI 1.84, 4.12);
 treatment within               p<0.1) for       P<.0001
 6 months of                    active             - Intermediate vs. low risk of
 initiating WW                  treatment        prostate cancer: HR=1.51 (CI
 and >6 months                  (WW              1.05, 2.07); P=.028
 of study                       interruption)    2. Age,
 followup                                          - 65-74 vs. <65, HR=0.70 (CI
                                                 0.41, 1.18); P=0.18
                                                   - ≥75 vs. <65. HR=0.57 (CI 0.33,
                                                 0.96); P=0.035
                                                 3. Education level,
                                                   - not college graduate vs. college
                                                 graduate, HR=0.66 (CI 0.46, 0.94);
                                                   - unknown vs. college graduate,
                                                 HR=0.68 (CI 0.42,1.10); P=0.11
 Koppie 168    Clinical   CaPSURE   NR   329   Men with   No therapy   Cox   Cox regression using only baseline
 2000   biopsy-  within 9 mo    proportional     variables:
 10840429   confirmed   of dx   hazards          1. age,
 prostate cancer                regression,        - 65-74 yr vs. <65 yr, HR=0.374
 who elected                    including an     (CI 0.179, 0.784); P=0.009
 WW as their                    analysis of        - ≥65 yr vs. <65 yr, HR=0.336
 initial treatment.             time-            (CI 0.166, 0.679); P=0.002
                                dependent        2. clinical T stage at dx,
                                predictors         - T2 vs. T1, HR =1.833 (CI 1.123,
                                time-to-active  2.992); P=0.015
                                treatment/         - T3-T4 vs. T1, HR=1.149 (CI
                                WW               0.440, 3.002); P=0.777
                                interruption     3. PSA at dx, ng/ml
                                                   - 4.1-10.0 vs. 0-4.0, HR=3.064
                                                 (CI 1.352, 6.944); P=0.007
                                                   - 10.1-20.0 vs. 0-4.0, HR=3.680

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