Page 400 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C3.1 Studies on offer, acceptance, and adherence of active surveillance (continued)
                                               Factors examined                    Author               Study approach                  AS/WW definitions                    Findings               Issues
                                        Patient and        Diefenbach  185    Survey of 654 men (77% RT; 17%         WW (not explicitly        •  Most influential in reaching a    •   Unclear if WW was
                                        physician          2002              RP; 6% WW) with early stage             provided)                 treatment decision: physician        actively offered by
                                        factors affecting  11828358          disease recruited by either a                                     recommendation (51%), advice         urologists or radiation
                                        acceptance                           urologist or radiation oncologist; pts                            from family and friends (19%),       oncologists to patients
                                                                             presented to Fox Chase Cancer                                     information from books and           since only 6% opted for
                                                                             Center or an affiliated hospital for                              journals (18%), Internet (7%),       WW
                                                                             an opinion regarding treatment                                    disease and treatment factors
                                                                             options; eligibility criteria included                            (3%)
                                                                             early-stage disease; not yet                                      •   Patients who chose RP over
                                                                             decided on a treatment; free of                                   RT or WW perceived prostate
                                                                             substantial comorbidity, and ability                              cancer as a significantly more
                                                                             to communicate in English                                         serious disease (P <0.001)
                                        What MD would  Durham      184       Survey (of screening behaviors,         WW: not defined (non-     •  For men with localized            •  Survey of GPs given
                                        offer based on     2003              with case vignettes, piloted for        curative)                 prostate cancer, GPs responded       theoretical cases
                                        expected life      12835804          understandability and face validity                               that                                 (vignettes)
                                        expectancy                           on 10 GPs) of GPs (in New                                         If life expectancy <10 y, WW         •  No data urban vs. rural
                                                                             Zealand), equalized urban vs. rural.                              would be suggested treatment         •  Survey response rate
                                                                             201 urban, 180 rural GPs                                          (45%), followed by hormone           66%
                                                                             responded. Survey sent to a                                       (23%), RT (13%), prostatectomy
                                                                             random national sample of 575                                     (8%), other combinations (6%)
                                                                             New Zealand GPs, stratified to
                                                                             include equal number of rural and                                 •  If life expectancy >10 y, WW
                                                                             urban GPs; 66.3% responded                                        suggested 3%; prostatectomy
                                                                                                                                               53%, other combination 17%,
                                                                                                                                               RT 14%, hormone 8%

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