Page 403 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 403

Appendix Table C3.1 Studies on offer, acceptance, and adherence of active surveillance (continued)
 Factors examined   Author   Study approach   AS/WW definitions   Findings   Issues
 Offer of WW by   Fowler 188    Survey (“pretested”) returned by   WW = “expectant   •  ~10-20% of urologists and   •  Surveys sent to
 MD   2000   504 urologists and 559 radiation   management”   radiation oncologists would   urologists and radiation
 10866869   oncologists; random sample of   recommend WW if PSA ~5   oncologists were
 urologists (response rate 64%) and   ng/mL and Gleason score 4 or 5   somewhat different
 radiation oncologists (response rate   (Scenario was for a 65 yr man in   •  Survey response rate
 76%) in the AMA Registry of   good health, with negative DRE   64% (urologists) & 76%
 Physicians who practiced at least   and no evidence of nonlocalized   (radiation oncologists)
 20 h per week       disease).
                     •  Almost no (0-1%) would
                     recommend WW for those with
                     higher PSA or Gleason scores.
                     •  No difference between
                     urologists and radiation
 Offer of AS by   Gorin 122    Survey of 185 men already on AS   DRE + PSA q 3-4 mo   •  AS offered by the MD who   •  Non-validated survey
 MD;   2011   (unclear selection procedure) in a   for the first 2 yr, then q   had made the initial dx in 38/105   instrument
 acceptance of   21215429   university-based urologic oncology   6 mo; annual bx;   (36%)   •  Population already
 AS by patient   practice (105 of 185, 57%   sooner if significant   •  MD influence had the   decided to enroll in AS
 responded); pts were asked   rise in PSA or change   greatest impact on choosing AS   •  Had been on AS
 whether the urologist who dx’d the   in DRE; treatment   (73%)   varying times (some >2
 cancer offered AS as a primary   encouraged for ↑   •  Concerns for incontinence   yrs)
 treatment alternative   tumor volume,   (48%) and erectile dysfunction   •  Survey response rate
 Gleason ≥7 or >2    (44%) also reasons for choosing     57%
 positive cores      AS
 Patient factors   Holmboe 187    Open-ended interview of 102 men   WW (not explicitly   •  30% men stated that   •  Small sample size
 affecting   2000   with localized disease who had   provided)   physician recommendation   •  Unclear details
 acceptance   11089712   made a treatment decision but had   influenced their treatment   concerning WW
 not yet received the treatment (88%   decision
 RP, RT or ADT; 12% WW); sample   •  59% of patients discussed
 obtained from 128 consecutive men   WW (presumably with their
 with newly dx’d localized disease,   physicians)
 pts drawn from a university, a VA,   •  Fear of consequences most
 and 2 community urology practices   common reason (64%) for not
                     selecting WW; some of the
                     others were perceived elevated
                     risk because of  PSA or Gleason
                     (12%); physician (12%) and/or
                     family (4%) against WW

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