Page 407 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 407

Appendix Table C3.1 Studies on offer, acceptance, and adherence of active surveillance (continued)
 Factors examined   Author   Study approach   AS/WW definitions   Findings   Issues
 Physician   Ramsey 182    Survey of 238 men (multi-center)   AS (not explicitly   •  Urologists recommended   •  Cannot establish
 factors affecting  2011   with newly dx’d localized T1-3   provided)   0.52 more treatment options (SE   causality for more RP
 offer   20959991   disease and 25 urologists   0.19, P <0.001) in initial   recommended by
 concerning their office encounters   consultation than in second   urologists; plausible that
 (initial consultation vs. second   opinion visit        patients sought out
 opinion); survey of patients and   •  For low risk disease, 25%   urologists for a second
 their urologist in urology clinics in 3   urologists recommended AS,   opinion because the
 states (Family And Cancer Therapy   77% recommended RP in initial   patients were more
 Selection study, Charleston, SC;   consultation; 16% urologists   interested in RP
 Los Angeles, CA; San Antonio, Tx);   recommended AS, 91%   •  Applicability limited to
 pt recruitment occurred at the   recommended RP in second   patients/urologists in
 urology clinics; 423 invited, 240 met   opinion visit   academic centers
 eligibility criteria; 238 analyzed (2   •  Discrepancy between what
 excluded for unspecified   physicians recommended and
 consultation type)   what patients heard physicians
                     recommended: in patients for
                     whom urologists recommended
                     RP, 67% patients heard the
                     recommendation; in patients for
                     whom urologists recommended
                     RT or ADT, ~25% patients heard
                     the recommendation
 Physician   Steginga 192    Interview of 108 men with newly   WW (not explicitly   •  Unprompted recall of their   •  Limited applicability to
 factors affecting  2002   dx’d localized prostate cancer from   provided)   urological consultation: 71% of   US
 offer   11856106   2 hospital clinics and 4 urology   the physicians discussed WW;
 practices in Queensland, Australia;   92% discussed RP, and 87%
 men were referred by their   discussed RT
 urologists to the project if they have
 localized disease (no metastatic
 disease on scans and X-rays)
 suitable for curative treatment; 131
 consecutive men were referred;
 119 eligible (newly dx’d localized
 disease, communicate in English;
 no head injury, dementia,
 concurrent psychiatric illness and
 cancer), 108 participated

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