Page 410 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C3.1 Studies on offer, acceptance, and adherence of active surveillance (continued)
                                               Factors examined                    Author               Study approach                  AS/WW definitions                    Findings               Issues
                                        Patient factors    Anandadas   195    Prospective, multicenter study of      ”AS” (not explicitly      •  61/768 (8%) chose AS              •  Incomplete analysis of
                                        affecting          2011              768 men with low-risk T1/T2 cancer      provided)                 •  AS was more frequently            reasons for choosing AS.
                                        treatment          21083643          who were referred to centers that                                 chosen over time (2000: 0%;          Most of those who
                                        choice                               offered 4 treatment options (RP,                                  2006 ~20%)                           selected “Other” chose
                                                                             RT, brachytherapy, or AS).                                        •  Reasons for choosing AS:          AS, but the other reasons
                                                                             Reasons for selecting treatment                                      o More convenient for lifestyle  are unexplained.
                                                                             were recorded.                                                         16% (compared to all 4          •  It was not explicitly
                                                                             821 men from 7 different uro-                                          treatments: 17%)                stated who provided
                                                                             oncology centers in UK were                                          o Fear of side effects 11%        reason for treatment
                                                                             enrolled (all were initially referred                                  (compared to all 4              choice, though implicitly
                                                                             for active treatment for early                                         treatments: 9%)                 the patient himself.
                                                                             prostate cancer); 53 were recruited                                  o Fear of other options 8%
                                                                             before brachytherapy was offered,                                      (compared to all 4
                                                                             they therefore were excluded from                                      treatments: 12%)
                                                                             the analysis                                                         o Combination of reasons
                                                                                                                                                    16% (compared to all 4
                                                                                                                                                    treatments: 15%)
                                                                                                                                                  o Other 23% (including “didn’t
                                                                                                                                                    want active or invasive
                                                                                                                                                    treatment”) (compared to all
                                                                                                                                                    4 treatments: 6%)
                                                                                                                                                  o Unknown 25% (compared
                                                                                                                                                    to all 4 treatments: 17%)
                                        Patient factors    Xu 196            Patients with newly dx’d localized      WW (not explicitly        •  “For most men, both black         •  Only 2 patients with
                                        affecting          2011              disease were recruited from 3           provided)                 and white, treatment decision        WW
                                        treatment          21830629          urology offices and 1 radiation                                   making occurred within an
                                        choice                               oncology office in Detroit and also                               emotional context of fear and
                                                                             through flyers in hospitals and                                   uncertainty and without
                                                                             doctors’ offices; sampling aim was                                systematic use of information.”
                                                                             to maximize a broad range of                                      •  Reasons why WW chosen
                                                                             experiences, no problem recruiting                                (n=2):
                                                                             men who chose RP or RT, had                                       o  Maintain current QoL
                                                                             difficulty recruiting men who chose                               o  Cancer small or slow-
                                                                             WW; semistructured interview of 21                                growing, may never cause
                                                                             men with localized cancer <75 y;                                  problems; “If it’s not bothering
                                                                             attempted to select a diverse                                     me, why mess with it”
                                                                             sample of men based on race, age,                                 o  Will be able to act if cancer
                                                                             social class, and income; easily                                  progresses
                                                                             recruited patients who chose                                      o  God will take care of it

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