Page 397 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C3.1 Studies on offer, acceptance, and adherence of active surveillance
Factors Author Study approach AS/WW Findings Issues
examined Year definitions
Physicians Crawford 193 Random phone survey of 1000 men from WW (not • 83% patients and 76% urologists • 200/335 urologists
factors 1997 the 30,000 men in the prostate cancer explicitly preferred aggressive therapy and 780/1000
affecting offer 9301699 support group (US TOO), of which 780 men provided) • Treatment options for men with patients responded to
responded; and survey of 200 urologists localized disease and few comorbidities, the survey
(details of sampling population of urologists urologists on the average would prefer RP • Urologists in this
not provided) (67%), RT (29%), WW (4%) survey were not
• Different perspectives on whether necessarily the
treatment options were discussed: 20% urologists who took
patients felt treatment options were not care of the patients in
discussed while 1% urologists felt the survey
treatment options were not discussed
Patient Berry 191 Content analysis of 13 men in focus groups WW (not • 20/44 men who relied on influential • Small sample size
factors 2003 and 31 men in individual unstructured explicitly others (an individual whose illness
affecting 12856636 interviews; men were within 6 mo dx of provided) experience and/or story had explicit
acceptance localized prostate cancer; sample of 44 influence on the participant’s treatment
obtained from 68 eligible men from 3 decision) to make a treatment decision, 1
urology clinics and flyer and newspaper broadened the horizon to consider WW, 1
announcements moved away from considering WW
Patient Chapple 189 Interview 50 men from UK with all stages of WW = no • Few men who chose WW had • Men with all
factors 2002 prostate cancer, 4 of whom chose WW; active consulted the Internet, concerned about stages of disease in
affecting 12133062 sample chosen to include men at different treatment the side-effects and uncertain treatment UK
acceptance stages of dx; recruited through GPs, outcomes, and found physicians who were • Small sample size
urologists, support groups and charities; supportive of their decision
although great effort to recruit minorities,
few volunteered