Page 99 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 99

S U B S T I T U T I V E  N O M  E N C L A T U R E                   IR-6.2

                       and hydrocarbon nomenclature is that the number of hydrogen atoms must  b e  d efined; it
                       cannot be inferred from simple bonding considerations. The number of hydrogen atoms is
                       indicated by the appropriate arabic numeral in parentheses directly following the name. Such
                       names convey only compositional information.


                           1. B 2 H 6     diborane(6)
                           2. B 20 H 16
           IR-  Structural descriptor names

                       More structural  i nformation is obtained by augmenting the stoichiometric name by a
                       structural  d escriptor. The descriptor is based on electron-counting relationships and is
                       presented in Table IR-6.2.

                       Table IR-6.2 Summary of common polyboron hydride structure types according to stoichiometry and
                       electron-counting relationships a

                       Descriptor  Skeletal  Parent     Description of structure
                                   electron  hydride

                       closo       nþ1       B  n H nþ2  Closed polyhedral structure with triangular faces only.
                       nido        nþ2       B  n H nþ4  Nest-like non-closed polyhedral structure; n vertices of
                                                        the parent (nþ1)-atom closo polyhedron occupied.
                       arachno     nþ3       B  n H nþ6  Web-like non-closed polyhedral structure; n vertices of
                                                        the parent (nþ2)-atom closo polyhedron occupied.
                       hypho       nþ4       B  n H nþ8  Net-like non-closed polyhedral structure; n vertices of
                                                        the parent (nþ3)-atom closo polyhedron occupied.
                       klado       nþ5       B  n H nþ10  Open branch-like polyhedral structure; n vertices of the
                                                        parent (nþ4)-atom closo polyhedron occupied.
                       a                                                     3
                        The structural relationships are often represented by a  R udolph diagram.




                                                         5               2

                                                       4               3

                                                     nido-pentaborane(9), B 5 H 9

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