Page 101 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 101

S U B S T I T U T I V E  N O M  E N C L A T U R E                   IR-6.2

                           4. H 2 BBHBH 2
                           5. HB¼BBH 2
                       For cyclic systems, the prefix ‘cyclo’ in connection with the name of the corresponding
                       chain compound, or the Hantzsch–Widman (H–W) nomenclature system (see Section
                       IR-, may be used.

                           6.                           H         H
                                                           B    B

                                                           B    B
                                                        H         H
                                                    H–W name: tetraboretane

           IR-  Systematic numbering of polyhedral c lusters

                       It is necessary to number the boron skeleton for each cluster systematically, so as to permit
                       the unambiguous naming of the substituted derivatives. For this purpose, the boron atoms of
                       closo structures are considered to occupy planes disposed sequentially, perpendicular to the
                       axis of highest order symmetry. (If there are two such axes, the ‘longer’, in terms of the
                       greater number of perpendicular p lanes crossed, is chosen.)
                          Numbering begins at the nearest boron atom when  t he cluster is viewed along  t his axis
                       and proceeds either clockwise or anti-clockwise, dealing with all skeletal atoms of the first
                       plane. Numbering then continues  i n  t he same sense in the next plane, beginning  w  ith the
                       boron atom nearest to the lowest numbered boron atom in the preceding plane when  g oing
                       forward in the direction of numbering.

                           1.                                 4 4
                                                                           1 1
                                                      8             5 5

                                                        7 7          3
                                                             9           2 2
                                                             6 6

                                          closo-B 10 H 10  (hydrogen atoms omitted for clarity)
                       The numbering in nido clusters is derived from that of the related closo cluster. In the case of
                       arachno and more open clusters, the opened side is presented towards the observer and the
                       boron atoms considered as projected onto a  p lane  a t  t he rear. They are then numbered
                       sequentially in zones, commencing at the central boron atom of highest connectivity and
                       proceeding clockwise or anti-clockwise until the innermost zone is completed. The next
                       zone is then numbered  i n  t he same sense starting from the 12 o’clock position, and so on

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