Page 94 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 94
IR-6.2 S U B S T I T U T I V E N O M E N C L A T U R E
fluorane d chlorane d bromane d iodane d astatane d the form any m 1 in the of radicals etc. a However, ‘indiane’
they Ref. heteromonocycles name ions, bromide’, acceptable. name mono-unsaturated
and of derived of IR-5). The
nomenclature, Section In six-membered systematically substitutive fluoride’, no are Chapter 2,3-dihydroindene. as well as
HF HCl HBr HI HAt P-62 names ‘hydrogen longer the
xidane b,c ulfane c,f selane c,f tellane c,f polane c,f recommended. substitutive IX. Table saturated the because alanine. acid of formation ‘hydrogen ‘stibine’ and nomenclature, diene) (a bonds indium). of
not by and IR-6.4 of names discarded amino the named ‘arsine’ (compositional hydrocarbon double colour
H 2 Se H 2 Te H 2 Po is respectively, the the for basis be names. ‘phosphine’, polane. the of two flame
carbane’ Section ‘imine’. are they be must from the also parent and name with the
H 2 O
H 2 S
CH 4 , ‘ for water, and in found and since ut b AlH 3 , derived group are they may as used names The sulfide’ tellane the as ompound (from ‘indigo’
azane b phosphane e arsane e stibane e bismuthane c ‘methane’ ammonia of be may use ‘amine’ suffixes used be cannot for used acyl the because here hydrides be cannot book. ‘dihydrogen selane, to established c mean a source
name derivatives such group been of name included unsubstituted names this better, apply well could etymological
NH 3 PH 3 AsH 3 SbH 3 BiH 3 the of polonane has throughout or, remarks however,
of ‘alane’ are The ‘triindiene’
naming u well-established ‘astatane’ used which e.g.
se Examples substituent and compositional sulfide’ is, the
universal in use for dioxidane). the of tellurane name The the and examples). for these are ‘stibane’ ‘hydrogen Corresponding ‘indane’ derivatives, from derives
hydrides methane a silane germane stannane plumbane the of Because intended triazane, basis the on selenane, thiane, IR- is which ‘iodane’ IX Table However, and named be name. arent be would unsaturated ‘indigane’
mononuclear CH 4 SiH 4 GeH 4 SnH 4 PbH 4 ‘carbane’. only are (e.g. named are oxane, Section ‘alanyl’ ‘bromane’, and IR-5). Chapter ‘arsane’ also may p as a InH 3 for name
of is ‘oxidane’ entities bismane, (see be would ‘chlorane’, IR-6.4.7 ‘phosphane’, used be name naming parent
names analogue and polynuclear ammonia system AlH 2 (see nomenclature, unsubstituted, cannot systematic when The
Parent borane alumane c gallane indigane g thallane ‘azane’ of aluminane, group ‘fluorane’, groups names name confusion triindiane.
IR-6.1 systematic names naming for derivatives names Hantzsch–Widman names substituent (compositional systematic when compositional analogous to lead of
Table BH 3 AlH 3 GaH 3 InH 3 TlH 3 a The b The basis organic c The the substituent d The and e The f Sulfane, g The would derivative