Page 92 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 92
IR-6 Parent Hydride Names and Substitutive
IR-6.1 Introduction
IR-6.2 Parent hydride names
IR-6.2.1 Mononuclear parent hydrides with standard and non-standard bonding numbers
IR-6.2.2 Homopolynuclear parent hydrides (other than boron and carbon hydrides)
IR- Homonuclear a cyclic parent hydrides in which all atoms have their standard
bonding number
IR- Homonuclear a cyclic p arent hydrides with elements exhibiting non-standard
bonding numbers
IR- Unsaturated homonuclear acyclic hydrides
IR- Homonuclear m onocyclic parent hydrides
IR- Homonuclear p olycyclic parent hydrides
IR-6.2.3 Boron h ydrides
IR- Stoichiometric names
IR- Structural descriptor names
IR- Systematic numbering of polyhedral clusters
IR- Systematic naming giving hydrogen atom distribution
IR-6.2.4 Heteronuclear parent hydrides
IR- Heteronuclear acyclic p arent hydrides in general
IR- Hydrides consisting of chains of alternating skeletal atoms
IR- Heteronuclear monocyclic parent hydrides; Hantzsch–Widman nomenclature
IR- Skeletal replacement in boron hydrides
IR- Heteronuclear polycyclic parent hydrides
IR-6.3 Substitutive names of derivatives of parent hydrides
IR-6.3.1 Use of suffixes and prefixes
IR-6.3.2 Hydrogen substitution in boron hydrides
IR-6.4 Names of ions and radicals derived from parent hydrides
IR-6.4.1 Cations derived from parent hydrides by addition of one or more h ydrons
IR-6.4.2 Cations derived from parent hydrides by loss of one or more hydride ions
IR-6.4.3 Substituted c ations
IR-6.4.4 Anions derived from parent hydrides by loss of one or more hydrons
IR-6.4.5 Anions derived from parent hydrides by addition of one o r m ore h ydride ions
IR-6.4.6 Substituted a nions
IR-6.4.7 Radicals and substituent groups