Page 95 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 95
S U B S T I T U T I V E N O M E N C L A T U R E IR-6.2
l -phosphane
1. PH 5
2. PH l -phosphane
l -sulfane
3. SH 6
4. SnH 2 l -stannane
IR-6.2.2 Homopolynuclear p arent hydrides ( other than boron and carbon hydrides)
IR- Homonuclear acyclic p arent hydrides in which all atoms have their
standard bonding number
Names are constructed by prefixing the ‘ane’ name of the corresponding mononuclear
hydride from Table IR-6.1 with the appropriate multiplicative prefix (‘di’, ‘tri’, ‘ tetra’, etc.;
see Table IV*) corresponding to the number of atoms of the chain bonded in series.
1. HOOH dioxidane, or hydrogen peroxide
diazane, or hydrazine
2. H 2 NNH 2
3. H 2 PPH 2
4. H 3 SnSnH 3
5. HSeSeSeH triselane
6. H 3 SiSiH 2 SiH 2 SiH 3
The compositional name ‘ hydrogen peroxide’ ( cf. C hapter IR-5) is an alternative to
‘dioxidane’ for H 2 O 2 itself, but is not applicable as a p arent hydride name in substitutive
In Section P-68.3 of Ref. 1 o rganic derivatives of H 2 NNH 2 are named on the basis o f
‘hydrazine’ as a p arent name.
IR- Homonuclear acyclic p arent hydrides with elements exhibiting non-standard
bonding numbers
In cases w here the skeletal atoms of a h ydride chain are the same b ut one or more h as a
bonding number different from the standard values defined by Table IR-6.1, t he name o f t he
hydride is formed as if all the atoms showed standard b onding numbers, but is preceded by
locants, o ne for each non-standard atom, each locant q ualified without a s pace by l , w here
n is the appropriate b onding number.
When a c hoice is needed b etween the same skeletal atom in different valence states,
the one in a n on-standard valence state is preferred for assignment of the lower locant.
If a f urther choice is needed b etween t he same skeletal atom in two or more n on-standard
valence states, preference for the lower locant or locants is given i n o rder of decreasing
numerical value of the bonding number, e.g. l is preferred to l .
* T ables numbered with a R oman numeral are collected together at the end of this book.