Page 38 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
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IR-2.5 G R A M M A R
(d) In chains and rings nomenclature, to separate nodal descriptors of individual modules
of an assembly (see Section IR-7.4.2).
IR-2.5.3 Commas
Commas are used in the following ways.
(a) To separate locants.
1. SiH 2 ClSiHClSiH 2 Cl 1,2,3-trichlorotrisilane
(b) To separate the symbols of the ligating atoms of a p olydentate ligand.
2. cis-bis(glycinato-kN,kO)platinum
(c) In solid-state chemistry, to separate symbols of atoms occupying the same t ype of site
in a r andom f ashion.
3. (Mo,W) n O 3n-1
(d) To separate oxidation numbers in a m ixed valence compound.
4. 5+
(H N) Ru N N Ru(NH )
3 5
[(H 3 N) 5 Ru(m-pyz)Ru(NH 3 ) 5 ] 5รพ
(e) To separate symbols of labelled atoms in selectively labelled compounds. ( See Section
II- of Ref. 2.)
18 32 18 32
5. [ O, P]H 3 PO 4 [ O, P]phosphoric a cid
IR-2.5.4 Semicolons
Semicolons a re used in the following ways.
(a) In the names of coordination compounds, t o o rder locants already separated by commas,
as in the kappa convention. (See examples in Section IR-