Page 39 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 39
G R A M M A R I R-2.6
(b) To separate the subscripts that indicate the possible n umbers of labelling nuclides in
selectively labelled compounds.
1. [1- H 1;2 ]SiH 3 OSiH 2 OSiH 3
IR-2.6 S P A C E S
In inorganic n omenclature, spaces a re used in names in the following ways i n E nglish;
the rules may differ in other languages. S paces are never used within formulae.
(a) To separate the names of ions in salts.
1. NaCl sodium chloride
sodium thallium(I) dinitrate
2. NaTl(NO 3 ) 2
(b) In names of binary compounds, to separate the electropositive part from the
electronegative part.
tetraphosphorus decaoxide
3. P 4 O 10
(c) To separate t he arabic numeral from the symbols of central atoms in the bonding
descriptor in the name of a p olynuclear entity w ith several direct bonds between c entral
4. [Os 3 (CO) 12 ] cyclo-tris(tetracarbonylosmium)(3 Os— O s)
(d) In names of (formal) addition compounds, to separate the stoichiometric descriptor from
the remainder of the name.
5. 3CdSO 4 ·8H 2 O c admium s ulfate—water (3/8)
(e) In solid-state nomenclature, to separate formula and structural type.
6. TiO 2 (o) ( brookite type)