Page 37 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 37

G R A M  M  A R                                                     I  R-2.5

                       (c) Centre dots in formulae of (formal) addition  c ompounds,  i ncluding hydrates, adducts,
                       clathrates, double  s alts and double oxides, separate the individual constituents. The dot is
                       written  i n  t he centre of the line to distinguish it from a  f ull stop (period).


                           4. BF 3 ·NH 3
                           5. ZrCl 2 O·8H 2 O
                           6. CuCl 2 ·3Cu(OH) 2
                           7. Ta 2 O 5 ·4WO 3
                       Dots are used in names of radicals  t o  i ndicate the presence of unpaired electrons.

                           8. ClO  *       oxidochlorine( * )
                           9. Cl 2         dichloride( * 1 )
           IR-2.5.2    Colons

                       Colons are used in names in the following ways.
                       (a) In coordination and organometallic compounds, t o s eparate the ligating atoms of a l igand
                       which bridges central atoms.

                           1. [{Co(NH 3 ) 3 } 2 (m-NO 2 )(m-OH) 2 ] 3þ
                       (See Sections IR- and IR- for the use of k,  a nd Sections IR- and
                       IR- for the use of m.)

                       (b) In polynuclear coordination and organometallic compounds, to separate the central atom
                       locants when single ligating atoms or unsaturated groups bind to two or more central atoms.
                       Thus, a  c hloride ligand bridging  b etween central atoms 1  a nd 2  w  ould be indicated by m-
                       chlorido-1:2k Cl, a nd a  c arbonyl group terminally  b onded to atom 1  a nd bridging  a toms 2
                       and 3 via its p electrons would be indicated by m 3 -2Z :3Z -carbonyl-1kC.
                       (c) In boron compounds, t o  s eparate the sets o f l ocants of boron atoms which are connected
                       by bridging hydrogen atoms.

                           2.                               SiH 3
                                                      H     B  1    H
                                                       5  B        B 2
                                                  H          H       H
                                                     B           B
                                                  H   4          3
                                                           H        H

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