Page 40 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 40
IR-2.8 G R A M M A R
IR-2.7 E L I S I O N S
In general, i n c ompositional and additive nomenclature no elisions are made when using
multiplicative prefixes.
1. tetraaqua (not tetraqua)
2. monoooxygen ( not monoxygen)
3. tetraarsenic h exaoxide
However, monoxide, rather than monooxide, is an allowed exception through general use.
IR-2.8 N U M E R A L S
IR-2.8.1 Arabic numerals
Arabic n umerals are crucially important in nomenclature; their placement in a f ormula or
name is especially significant.
They are used in formulae in many w ays.
(a) As right subscripts, to indicate the number of individual constituents (atoms or groups
of atoms). U nity is not i ndicated.
1. CaCl 2
2. [Co(NH 3 ) 6 ]Cl 3
(b) As a r ight superscript, to indicate t he charge. Unity is not indicated.
3. Cl
4. NO þ
5. Cu 2þ
6. [Al(H 2 O) 6 ] 3þ
(c) To indicate t he composition of (formal) addition compounds or non-stoichiometric
compounds. The numeral is written on the line before the formula o f e ach constituent except
that unity i s o mitted.
7. Na 2 CO 3 ·10H 2 O
8. 8WO 3 ·9Nb 2 O 5