Page 33 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 33

G R A M  M  A R                                                     I  R-2.3

                          11. (þ) 589 -[Co(en) 3 ]Cl 3 (þ) 589 -tris(ethane-1,2-diamine)cobalt(III) trichloride
                                       1   2    3    4   5
                              ð2R; 3SÞ-ClSiH 2 SiHClSiHClSiH 2 SiH 3

                       (h) In isotopically  s ubstituted compounds, the appropriate nuclide symbol(s) is placed
                       in parentheses before the name of the part of the compound that is isotopically substituted
                       (see Section II-2.3.3 of Ref. 2). Compare with the use of square brackets f or specifically and
                       selectively labelled compounds in Section IR-

                          13. H HO              ( H 1 )water
                       (i) To enclose the number of hydrogen atoms in boron compounds.

                          14. B 6 H 10
                       (j) In hydrogen names (Section IR-8.4), to enclose the part of the name following the word


                          15. [HMo 6 O 19 ]     hydrogen(nonadecaoxidohexamolybdate)(1 )

           IR-2.2.4    Braces
                       Braces  a re used in names and formulae within  t he hierarchical sequence outlined and
                       exemplified in Section IR-2.2.1.

           IR-2.3      H Y P H E N S , P L U S  A N D  M  I N U S  S I G N S , ‘ E M  ’ D A S H E S
                       A N D  B  O N D  I N D I C A T O R S

           IR-2.3.1    Hyphens

                       Hyphens are used in formulae and in names. N  ote that there is no space on either side of
                       a  h yphen.

                       (a) To separate symbols such as m (mu), Z (eta) and k (kappa) from the rest of the formula
                       or name.

                           1. [{Cr(NH 3 ) 5 } 2 (m-OH)] 5þ  m-hydroxido-bis(pentaamminechromium)(5þ)

                       (b) To separate geometrical or structural and stereochemical designators such as cyclo,
                       catena, triangulo, quadro, tetrahedro, octahedro, c loso, nido, arachno, cis and trans from

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