Page 9 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 9

•  Meeting with officials from the local developmental agencies; and
                   •  Meeting with project officials from various donor-funded education projects.

               9.         A diagnostic is conducted through a series of individual or group interviews
               and administration of questionnaires in order to draw up a comprehensive and balanced
               view of the actual capacity gaps at each particular intra-sectoral level of the education
               sector with particular attention to the following areas:

                   •  institutional mandates and resource availability of statistical units at the different
                       levels (central, provincial and district levels);
                   •  conduciveness of environment to evidence-based decision-making;
                   •  data quality assurance (error-tracking or consistency-checking mechanisms);
                   •  record-keeping practices at the institutional (school) level;
                   •  effectiveness, user-friendliness and comprehensiveness of instruments for data
                       collection relative to needs for information;
                   •  mechanisms or procedures along the data collection chain;
                   •  data processing technology and methodology;
                   • methodology for treatment of missing data;
                   •  data dissemination modes;
                   •  data use, analysis and interpretation of data for planning and decision-making;
                   •  feedback to data providers;
                   • revision policy, user consultation  mechanism and new data/indicators
                       development policy; and
                   •  metadata and user assistance policy.

               10.        Since the inter-relation among different sub-sectors within the whole
               education sector is critical for building successful and sustainable national capacities,
               an appropriate action plan will be required to address the issues of all sub-sectors in an
               integrated way. This will be based on the findings from the diagnostic study as well as
               recommendations made by the NTC. Project intervention would be emphasised in the
               sub-sectors of EFA- and MDG-related education goals.

               11.        One of the key elements of the UIS approach is to initiate and maintain close
               collaboration with local developmental agencies and partners  that are active in the
               education sector especially in education statistics so as  to harmonise with existing
               country programmes as well as to exploit the local resources and expertise to produce
               the synergetic effect. A principal advantage of the UIS involvement in the country is that
               its interventions and approaches to address the issues are guided by best practices,
               lessons learned and cost-efficient and sustainable solutions from other similar
               experiences acquired globally.

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