Page 4 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 4


               The demand for high-quality and timely statistical data about education systems has
               risen remarkably at both the national and international levels. Policymakers increasingly
               require a range of indicators – access, participation, outcomes, etc.  – for better
               evidence-based planning and for measuring progress. In this context, improving the
               quality and availability of education statistics is one area to which the Government of
               Bangladesh is paying much attention these  days. Furthermore, the recent devolution
               process requires skills and capacities in the Education Management Information System
               (EMIS) at the local level. Fortunately, there are a number of efforts underway in
               Bangladesh to further improve the quality and availability of education statistics.

               Having reliable data mostly depends on having a good data collection system, as well
               as appropriate data dissemination. Like many other developing countries, Bangladesh is
               also facing various issues  and problems in education statistics. It is important to
               understand the root causes of these challenges so as to systematically resolve and
               overcome such obstacles. In this regard, MOE has set up, with technical support from
               the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, a national committee to analyse holistically and
               comprehensively Bangladesh’s method of collection, processing, dissemination and
               utilization of education statistics. This report is a result of the committee’s collective

               It is hoped that this document, which contains a wealth of insight and information, will be
               useful in the preparation of  a realistic and well-conceived  statistical capacity building
               action plan for education statistics. The implementation of such a  plan would lead to
               better coverage, timeliness and quality statistics for planners and decision-makers at
               the national level, as well  as for the international community, to monitor progress
               towards both Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

               Comments and suggestions about the findings  are welcome, and we  look forward to
               building upon them. Through strengthened cooperation with national and international
               partners, we are confident that the very important tasks of formulating and implementing
               activities that will strengthen our national capacity on  education statistics can be
               successfully achieved.

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