Page 45 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 45

lack of training as well as the wrong approach to data modelling and lack of simple user-
               friendly interfaces to access and manipulate the data.

               145.       Institutionally, although the statistics units are normally under the Policy and
               Planning section of the departments in the Ministry, the collaboration between the
               statisticians and policy analysts is weak. The  EMIS staffs of two ministries confine
               themselves mostly to collection, production and dissemination of the school census
               data. Under BANBEIS, there is a separate research unit, however, so far no analytical
               work has been initiated. The first part of the statistical yearbook introduced some data
               analysis based on the annual school data displaying some key education indicators.
               While it is a good start, a more in-depth use of the data for policy-related measures is

               146.       Institutional links between statisticians in the Ministries of Education and other
               ministries and institutions such as Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics are also weak.
               Stronger institutional links are to be instilled to ensure efficient use of these data to
               inform education policy and debate. The ministries do not make use of a rich array of
               data from household surveys that provide complementary information on education. The
               data especially related to socio-demographic information from various household
               surveys and census could effectively be used for the projection of education demand
               and resources. The stronger institutional links could foster ways of maintaining and
               developing the professional capacities of  EMIS and statistical staff of MOE and

               147.       Furthermore, the utilisation of GIS school mapping for policy analytical
               purposes is also not visible in the case of primary education. However, utilisation of
               school information maps, which has been developed in BANBEIS for secondary and
               tertiary level institutions, are now used regularly for permission of establishing new
               institutions by the MOE and  education boards. The school  mapping is also updated
               regularly by including location of new institutions in the GIS map database when school
               census is conducted.

               Review of key users data requirements and indicators gaps

               148.       Though at the school level record-keeping seems to be common practice,
               modalities for compiling information on students’ age permeate unreliability of data and
               indicators associated with age, such as GER and NER. In practice, the collection of age
               data is based on age as reported by student, parents or student guardians. There is no
               enforced provision requiring proof of student age by birth certificate of student at
               registration. There are relatively well-kept attendance registries available at schools,
               however there is no mechanism to use this information.

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