Page 47 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 47
155. The assessment has been conducted for federal- as well as provincial-level
EMIS units. The following table presents the outcomes of the assessment by using
0 Pre-requisites of quality 50% 39%
0.1 Legal and institutional environment. 60% 11%
0.2 Resources are commensurate with needs of statistical programmes. 38% 25%
0.3 Quality awareness – Quality is a cornerstone of statistical work. 60% 60%
1 Integrity 63% 31%
1.1 Professionalism – Statistical policies and practices are guided by professional principles. 67% 56%
1.2 Transparency - Statistical policies and practices are transparent. 60% 0%
1.3 Ethical standards - Policies and practices are guided by ethical standards. 50% 0%
2 Methodological soundness - The methodological basis for the statistics follows internationally
accepted standards, guidelines or good practices. 71% 71%
2.1 Concepts and definitions – Concepts and definitions used are in accord with standard
statistical frameworks
67% 67%
2.2 Scope – The scope is in accord with internationally accepted standards, guidelines or good
67% 67%
2.3 Classification/sectorisation – Classification and sectorisation systems are in accord with
internationally accepted standards, guidelines or good practices
100% 100%
2.4 Basis for recording – Data are recorded according to internationally accepted standards,
guidelines or good practices. 67% 67%
3 Accuracy and reliability - Source data and statistics. 53% 47%
3.1 Source data – Source data available provide an adequate basis to compile statistics. 20% 40%
3.2 Statistical techniques employed conform to sound statistical procedures, and are
75% 75%
3.3 Assessment and validation of source data – Source data are regularly assessed and
validated 67% 33%
3.4 Intermediate results and statistical outputs are regularly assessed and validated. 67% 33%
3.5 Revision studies – Revisions, as a gauge of reliability, are tracked and studied for the
information they may provide. 50% 50%
4 Serviceability – Statistics are relevant, timely, consistent, and follow a predictable revisions
policy. 56% 50%
4.1 Relevance : Statistics cover relevant information on the subject field. 50% 50%
4.2 Timeliness and periodicity follow internationally accepted dissemination standards. 33% 33%
4.3 Consistency – Statistics are consistent within a dataset and over time, and with other
major data sets. 57% 43%
4.4 Revision policy and practice – Data revisions follow a regular and publicized procedure. 75% 75%
5 Accessibility – Data and metadata are easily available and assistance to users is adequate. 57% 50%
5.1 Data accessibility – Statistics are presented in a clear and understandable manner, forms
of dissemination are adequate, and statistics are made available on an impartial basis.
50% 50%
5.2 Metadata accessibility – Up-to-date and pertinent metadata are made available. 60% 60%
5.3 Assistance to users 67% 33%
156. The analysis observes that Bangladesh has already prepared and established
the required foundation to set up the education statistical information system which can
provide timely, and policy-oriented information to the users. There are established legal
and administrative mechanisms, and relevant staff members have minimum
competencies to carry out their functions and responsibilities. Methodologies and
techniques to produce the necessary educational indicators and information mostly
comply with international standards. The methods and procedures to validate and
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