Page 50 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 50


               160.       The diagnosis reveals and highlights several issues to be addressed in order
               to have a systematic, coordinated and effective statistical information system to provide
               timely, reliable and consistent information to the planners and policymakers at all levels.
               Regarding the general status of the information system, the primary level school census
               data collection system has been decentralised and equipped with a data entry system at
               district level to capture the data and to establish the district level database, although
               functionality and performance may vary among the districts. Also skills, capacities and
               interests of the staffs differ among the districts. At the post-primary level, BANBEIS are
               equipped with a relatively well-organized collection system in terms of data processing,
               analysis and distribution. But there is a  gap of regular data collection systems in
               BANBEIS due to a lack of resources. However, the availability of data at the primary
               and general secondary levels and part of tertiary level are better than other education

               161.       There are several major underlying issues which need to be addressed in
               order to have an effective and coordinated education statistical information system in
               Bangladesh. It may not be possible to resolve all these issues and obstacles which
               hinder the performance of the entire system. However, observations and findings of the
               diagnostic study suggest that most of these problems and issues could be overcome
               with appropriate corrected actions and  full commitment from the concerned

               162.       To this effect, the following are a set of key issues and possible actions and
               recommendations in order to  rectify the identified weaknesses as revealed by this

               Institutionalisation and coordination among concerned departments

               163.       Collaboration is weak among the different EMISs and statistical units in the
               two ministries. Data collection structure and  line of authority are different in different
               education sub-sectors, due to  the differences in their respective administrative
               structures. Although there used to be a single ministry and district education offices
               were responsible for collecting the data from all education sub-sectors, currently they
               are not responsible for collecting the data from the post-primary level. Although MOPME
               has an education office in every district to carry out the EMIS activities, this is not the
               case for the post-primary level. This causes serious drawbacks in collecting data from
               the post-primary level.

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