Page 54 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 54


               183.       The statistical outputs especially the yearbook should be redesigned to have
               clear orientation with analytical features which will be directly useful to influence
               decision-making or raise public awareness on state and progress/ development of
               education in the country. Along with this, other forms of succinct and informative media
               such as pamphlets, posters, statistical abstracts with a fixed set of tabulated data or
               indicators, graphs and charts with a limited narrative section depicting a simple
               overview should be produced for non-technical users.

               184.       Both ministries should also establish and utilise the Internet to disseminate
               the statistics electronically.

               Resources (human, equipment and financial) to perform EMIS activities

               185.       Inadequate human resources and equipment are one of the main complaints
               to perform EMIS activities effectively. Especially at the central level, limited staff
               definitely hinders the efficiency and delivery of reliable information in a timely manner.
               At the local level, too, only in exceptional circumstances are staff dedicated enough to
               carry out statistical operations in addition  to their many other responsibilities.
               Resources, both human and  financial, are not properly and adequately allocated
               especially for operational tasks.

               186.       An appropriate technical skills and work experience for effective development
               and operation of EMIS especially in data validation, statistical analysis and reporting are
               not present at both the central and local levels. Even at the central level, there is  a
               shortage of statisticians as well as limited  skills of existing staff to conduct analytical
               work and to convert the educational data into indicators necessary for planning,
               monitoring and evaluating the education system.

               187.       IT facilities are not properly maintained due to lack of knowledge, awareness
               and funding. District offices are equipped with computers and other necessary
               equipment; however their sustainability is limited in the absence of proper repair and
               maintenance services especially in the rural context.


               188.       Allot adequate and regular funding  to operate the annual school census
               properly. A separate budget for conducting this  exercise is desirable under a regular
               non-developmental budget to assure continuity and sustainability of the process.

               189.       Develop a guideline on how to properly use and maintain the computer
               equipment and provide appropriate training to EMIS staff at all levels.

               190.       Set up a maintenance budget for I.T. facilities.

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