Page 57 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 57
204. Since EMIS data are not effective enough for the planning and decision-
making process especially at district level, they do not receive attention and priority.
This weak political support and insufficient budgetary allocation to have adequate
human resources and equipment for the EMIS activities made it difficult for district EMIS
cells to perform its functions effectively. Under these circumstances, compounded by
weak technical skills and poor infrastructure, existing district EMIS cells are not in
positions to collect, compile and analyse the education data as well as provide required
information to decision-makers. A similar situation is occurring at both ministries at
central levels.
205. The district EMIS cell should be designed not only to process and submit the
data to central level but also to support the planning and monitoring of district education
activities. Information needs at district level should be identified and incorporated into
the output of EMIS software. Various ready-made, easy-to-interpret and useful
education statistics and indicators, such as district education profile, are suggested.
206. The role of central EMIS units should be beyond producing a traditional
yearbook and should pay attention to analysis and policy support activities. Apart from a
voluminous yearbook, compact and user-oriented education indicators and information
should be produced.
207. At the same time, both ministries should conduct collaboratively a series of
brief working session on interpretation and usage of education statistics in education
planning and monitoring, targeting senior education officials at divisional and district
208. Develop an awareness strategy for the use of I.T. and statistics among
various users’ levels.
School record-keeping system and systematic procedures to transform school
records into annual school census forms
209. Appropriate forms and procedures for systematic and easy-to-operate school
records management system need to be introduced for regular and periodic report
210. Data accuracy is one of the crucial problems with the EMIS data. There are a
number of contributing factors, and one factor has been identified as lack of
standardised, efficient school registers.
211. Although practices and degree of systematisation may differ among schools,
there exists a school record-keeping system at the school level. However, it was
intended for the internal school management and monitoring purpose, and there is no
systematic procedure to transform the data from all these register books into school
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