Page 22 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 22
Regional/divisional level
44. In statistical context, the role of regional/divisional authorities is mainly to
follow up the request made by central level for annual school census activities. The
regional/divisional offices also sometime gather information from the district and the
institution directly for their own use.
District level
45. The district level plays a major role in the EMIS activities for primary and post-
primary education. The District Education Officer is involved in the annual school
census in three main activities: (1) training the enumerating officer (i.e. TPOs) on how to
complete the questionnaire; (2) distribution of the questionnaires; and (3) follow up on
the returned questionnaires.
46. The EMIS activities, especially data entry for primary education, have been
decentralised to the district level. Most of the district EMIS units have a computer
operator who is assigned to process the school census data.
47. The EMIS activities, including the processing of the data for the post-primary
education, are mainly done at the central level. Unlike the primary education sub-sector,
there is no EMIS unit at the district level to compile and process the data. Also, due to
lack of resources, school census for post-primary level is not conducted every year.
Upazila/sub-district level
48. The management and supervision of primary education exists at this level.
They are the contact points for the schools. Each Upazila education office is responsible
for management of about a 100 to 150 institutions at the primary level. The
responsibilities of Upazila education office include academic supervision of schools,
preparation of payment bills of the government primary school teachers, distribution of
books to the primary students, distribution of stipends to the primary students. With
regard to the EMIS, the Upazila Education Officers are in charge of distribution and
collection of annual school census forms through Assistant Upazila Education Officers.
Then, the collected school census forms are submitted to the respective district
education office.
49. The management and supervision of post-primary education does not exist at
this level. Upazila/Thana Project Officers of four stipend projects are responsible for the
supervision of distribution of stipends to the female students at the secondary and
higher secondary levels. In addition to these main responsibilities, the officers at this
level are also entrusted with the support of information for different queries and
information as per need of the district education officer and also as per the Programme
Implementation Unit (PIU) of stipend projects. Furthermore, they are also involved in the
collection of school census forms under the supervision of district education officer as
required by BANBEIS, the central EMIS unit of MOE.
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