Page 23 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
P. 23
Responsibilities of EMIS services by administrative level
Central District Upazila
Data collection Data validation Data entry Data analysis Report preparation Publication Data collection Data validation Data entry Data collection Data validation
Pre-primary X X X X X X X X X X X
Primary X X X X X X X X X X X
General secondary X X X X X X X X
Technical and vocational X X X X X X
Tertiary (non-university) X X X X X X X
Tertiary (university) X X X X X X
Institutional level
50. It is mandatory for the schools to submit school census forms as and when
required. They are required to provide not only the school statistics but also financial
information to the district education offices, such as information regarding stipend for
female students. In addition, the schools are required to provide requested data to
various authorities for different purposes. However enforcement and seriousness to
comply to this mandatory task varies among districts.
Other institutions involved in the production of data pertinent to education
51. Another institution which produces education-related data and statistics is the
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). This bureau is responsible for collecting,
processing and publishing data for all sectors of the country. It collects education data
from BANBEIS and DPE and produces them in its publications.
52. Not only responsible for the collection and compilation of national statistics,
BBS is also a leading agency for conducting surveys and censuses. It is the institution
responsible for conducting national population censuses and household surveys. Some
of the surveys contain education variables and are useful sources of data on education
to complement the administrative data produced by the government and developmental
agencies. Data collected by surveys include information that cannot be obtained via the
administrative data, for example: data on socio-economic status, on the characteristics
of the out-of-school population, on achievements of education as measured by literacy,
etc. They provide indicators on access and participation to education which can be used
to analyse the status of the school population in relation to social, cultural and financial
characteristics, as well as the link to the labour market. Data on school attendance can
be triangulated against the results of the administrative data as a means of quality
assurance. These surveys also help identify out-of-school children and their social and
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