Page 523 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 523

Appendix Table C4.3. Comparison between watchful waiting and radiation therapy (continued)
 Author, Year    Study name   Comparison  Outcome   Followup   Sample size   Results   Factors included in the
 [Pubmed ID]   /Database      definition/   (yr)   per group   model
 Study design   instrument
 Quality of life
 Fransson 225    Ancillary   RT vs. WW   Prostate   Median   RT: 27   No statistically significant   For the mean scores
 2009   investigation   Cancer   followup   WW: 27   differences in health-related   univariate non-parametric
 18985545   from UMEA1   Symptom   (range):   QoL function or symptom   (Mann-Whitney) tests were
    trial   Scale;   WW, 114   scales. No differences were   used (RCT). MANOVA
 RCT   European   mo (95-  detected between RT          analyses did not detect any
 Organization   196); RT,   (mean=2.3) and WW (mean =   associations between
 for Research   118 mo   2.3; P=NR) for “limitations in   overall QoL/health, urinary
 and Treatment  (77-188)   daily life” caused by prostate   bother, bowel bother and
 of Cancer         cancer. No significant difference  sexual bother (dependent
 QLQ-C30           in “life situation” between RT       variables) and age, RT dose
 (functioning      (mean=3.7) and WW                    (RT group only), progress
 and single        (mean=3.3; P=0.398).                 (RT and WW), hormones
 symptom                                                (RT and WW), diabetes, or
 scales)           Mean scores on symptom and           smoking habits.
                   function scales at 10 years ,
                   WW vs. RT:
                   Urinary bother: 2.0 vs. 2.8
                   Incontinence: 1.0 vs. 1.5
                   Urinary frequency/day: 6.1 vs.
                   6.5 (P=0.639)
                   Nocturia: 2.1 vs. 1.8 (P=0.900)
                   Starting problems: 1.7 vs. 1.9
                   Pain while urinating: 0.2 vs. 0.4
                   Urgency: 2.3 vs. 2.1 (P=0.750)
                   Daily activity: 1.6 vs. 1.4
                   Bowel bother: 1.6 vs. 2.7
                   Daily activity: 0.9 vs. 1.3

 b  The study also reported mean symptom/function scores at 4 years of followup; we have extracted information only for the 10 year followup period.

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