Page 171 - 15Diarrhoeaandvomiting
P. 171
Diarrhoea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis in children under 5 years
Table A.6 IVT consumables costs
Variable Quantity Unit cost Cost Source
IV solution – sodium 500 ml £1 £1
chloride (0.9% saline)
Giving set with burette 2 (1 per 12 hours) £1.75 £3.50
Fluid micron filter 1 £2.94 £2.94 NHS Supply Chain (2007)208
Cannula 2 £0.78 £1.56 NHS Supply Chain (2007) 208
Swabs 1 pack of 5 £0.05 £0.23
Alcohol skin prep 2 £0.01 £0.01 NHS Supply Chain (2007) 208
0.9% saline flushes 1 × 5 ml vial £0.33 £0.33 BNFC (2007)209
Total consumable costs £9.57
Table A.7 IVT hospital costs
Hospital episode Cost (range) Source
Infectious and non-infectious gastroenteritis £602 (£365–602) NHS Reference Costs
without complications (2006/07)
Table A.8 IVT equipment costs
Equipment Duration Lifespan Unit cost equivalent daily cost Source
Infusion pump 24 hours 10 years £100 £0.27
Drip stand 24 hours 5 years £105.16 £0.29
Total equipment costs £0.56
Table A.9 IVT test costs
Test Quantity Unit cost Cost Source
Full blood count and 1 £2.71 £2.71 Pathology indicative tariff for haemotology,
differential NHS National Tariff (2008/09)
Urea and electrolytes 1 £2.71 £2.71 Pathology indicative tariff for haemotology,
NHS National Tariff (2008/09)
Total test costs £5.42
Table A.10 Further IVT hospital costs
Hospital episode Duration of stay Cost (range) Source
Infectious and non-infectious 2 days £820 (£489–820) NHS Reference Costs (2006/07)
gastroenteritis with complications
Infectious and non-infectious 1 day £602 (£365–602) NHS Reference Costs (2006/07)
gastroenteritis without
Inpatient further IVT stay 1 day £218 (£124)
a The ‘Infectious and non-infectious gastroenteritis without complications’ reference cost is for a 1 day stay in
hospital and in this model has been attributed to the inpatient stay costs for providing IVT. Similarly, the reference
costs for ‘Infectious and non-infectious gastroenteritis with complications’ is assumed to be the total costs for IVT
and further IVT. The value of £820 is therefore the cost for a 2 day duration in hospital. In our model we have
assumed that further IVT results in an extra 1 day stay in hospital and therefore in order to determine this cost we
deducted ‘Infectious and non-infectious gastroenteritis without complications’ from ‘Infectious and non-infectious
gastroenteritis with complications’ (£820 − £620 = £218) to avoid double counting. The same was done for the lower
value of the range of costs.