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Appendix A

                           clinical question for this guideline sought to compare the cost-effectiveness of ORT, more broadly
                           defined, versus standard IVT. Owing to the lack of relevant published economic evidence, it was
                           decided that a decision-analytic model should be developed for this guideline to compare the
                           cost-effectiveness of ORT versus standard IVT in order to inform GDG recommendations.


                           A decision-analytic model has been developed in Microsoft Excel® in order to compare the
                           cost-effectiveness of IVT and ORT in the treatment of children presenting with dehydration and
                           vomiting due to gastroenteritis. The structure of the decision tree is illustrated in Figure A.1. The
                           economic model focuses on a cohort of 1000 hypothetical patients presenting in the emergency
                           department with dehydration caused by diarrhoea and vomiting.
                           The decision tree depicts the various pathways it is assumed a child may follow during treatment
                           of either IVT or ORT. In decision trees, ‘time flows from left to right’ and branches indicate all
                           feasible pathways and these pathways are contingent on certain events. Such events are defined
                           by nodes, of which there are three types:
                           •  Decision nodes (squares) are used to represent choices for the decision maker, in this case
                             the choice to give IVT or ORT.
                           •  Chance nodes (circles) depict uncertain events within a patient pathway. Each branch at a
                             chance node has a probability attached to it and the probabilities of all branches emanating
                             from a chance node sum to 100%.
                           •  Terminal nodes (arrows) denote the end of the treatment pathway and are assigned a ‘payoff’,
                             which is the estimated cost to the NHS of a particular patient pathway. In this particular
                             decision-analytic model, the payoff also implicitly assumes patient rehydration.

                           Model parameters and assumptions

                           The model probabilities are taken from a Cochrane review  that reported on the evidence on
                           rehydration and complication rates for ORT and IVT in children up to 18 years of age (Table A.1).
                           All the studies in the meta-analysis reported on the primary outcome of failure to rehydrate with
                           ORT, although definitions of treatment ‘failure’ were not identical across the included studies.
                           For the purposes of this analysis, the model assumes that ORT treatment ‘failure’ is that where
                           IVT would have to be used. Theoretically, IVT should be able to replace fluid lost and manage
                           continuing losses and therefore, for the purposes of this model, we have also assumed that IVT
                           treatment ‘failure’ is where IVT is required for a longer period of time and this is referred to as

               Figure A.1  Decision tree for comparing ORT versus IVT

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