Page 162 - 15Diarrhoeaandvomiting
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10 Information and advice
for parents and carers
Parents can be advised that gastroenteritis is common and typically the child recovers quickly
and without serious problems. Many children can be safely managed at home under parental
supervision. Parents and carers therefore require information and advice on recognising symptoms
or signs that should cause concern, on providing appropriate care to prevent or treat dehydration
and on maintaining their child’s nutritional intake. They need to know specifically who should
be contacted if they are concerned. Parents also have key role in the prevention of spread of
infection to household members and to the wider community.
10.1 Caring for a child with diarrhoea and vomiting at home
Evidence overview
The recommendations in this chapter are based on evidence that is presented elsewhere in the
guideline. The relevant evidence can be found in the following chapters:
• Chapter 3 – Section 3.1
• Chapter 4 – Section 4.1
• Chapter 5 – Sections 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4
• Chapter 6 – Sections 6.1 and 6.2.
GDG translation from evidence to recommendations
The GDG agreed that the following information should be offered to all parents and carers on the
management of gastroenteritis.
Recommendations on information and advice for parents and carers
Inform parents and carers that:
• most children with gastroenteritis can be safely managed at home, with advice and
support from a healthcare professional if necessary
• the following symptoms may indicate dehydration:
– appearing to get more unwell
– changing responsiveness (for example, irritability, lethargy)
– decreased urine output
– pale or mottled skin
– cold extremities
• they should contact a healthcare professional if symptoms of dehydration develop.