Page 161 - 15Diarrhoeaandvomiting
P. 161

Diarrhoea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis in children under 5 years

                         Recommendations on escalation of care

                         During remote assessment:
                         •  arrange emergency transfer to secondary care for children with symptoms suggesting
                           shock (see Table 4.6)
                         •  refer for face-to-face assessment children:
                           –  with symptoms suggesting an alternative serious diagnosis or
                           –  at high risk of dehydration, taking into account recognised risk factors or
                           –  with symptoms suggesting clinical dehydration or
                           –  whose social circumstances make remote assessment unreliable
                         •  provide a ‘safety net’ for children who do not require referral. The safety net should
                           include information for parents and carers on how to:
                           –  recognise developing red flag symptoms (see Table 4.6) and
                           –  get immediate help from an appropriate healthcare professional if red flag symptoms
                         During face-to-face assessment:
                         •  arrange emergency transfer to secondary care for children with symptoms or signs
                           suggesting shock
                         •  consider repeat face-to-face assessment or referral to secondary care for children:
                           –  with symptoms and signs suggesting an alternative serious diagnosis or
                           –  with red flag symptoms and/or signs of dehydration (see Table 4.6) or
                           –  whose social circumstances require continued involvement of healthcare professionals
                         •  provide a safety net for children who will be managed at home. The safety net should
                           –  information for parents and carers on how to recognise developing red flag symptoms
                             (see Table 4.6) and
                           –  information on how to get immediate help from an appropriate healthcare professional
                             if red flag symptoms develop and
                           –  arrangements for follow-up at a specified time and place, if necessary.

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