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Appendix A

                           Table A.3  ORT labour costs

                           Task (staff)                    Time taken   Unit cost  Cost (range)       Source
                                                           (range) (min)
                           Patient education (band 5 nurse)  10 (10–20)  £30 per hour  £5.00 (£5.00–10.00)  Curtis 206
                           Patient review (band 5 nurse)   20 (20–30)   £30 per hour  £10.00 (£10.00–15.00) Curtis 206
                           Clinical examination (specialty registrar)  10 (10–20)  £41 per hour  £6.83 (£6.83–13.67)  Curtis 206
                           Total labour costs                                      £21.83 (£21.83–38.66)

                           Table A.4  ORT consumables costs
                           Variable           Quantity  Unit cost          Cost   Source
                           Dioralyte          2 sachets  £6.99 (20 sachet pack) £0.70  BNF 55 (2008) 207
                           200 ml bottles a   2 bottles  £11.50 (pack of 42)  £0.55  NHS Supply Chain (2007) 208
                           Total consumables costs                         £1.25
                           a   Oral solution is often given to younger children via a syringe but as the cost difference between bottles and a syringe
                            is small, the analysis has used the cost of bottles.

                           Table A.5  IVT labour costs
                           Task (staff)          Time taken (range)  No. times   Unit cost Cost (range)  Source
                                                                     task carried
                           Ametop® application    5 minutes          1         £30/hour £2.50        Curtis 206
                           (band 5 nurse)        (1–5 minutes)                          £0.50–2.50)
                           Cannulation/taking blood samples:
                           –  2 × band 5 nurse   Total of 35 minutes   1       £30/hour £17.50       Curtis 206
                                                 (0–35 minutes)                         £0–17.50)
                           –  specialty registrar  17.5 minutes      1         £41/hour £11.96       Curtis 206
                                                 (N/A) a                                (N/A)
                           Fluid preparation and   Total of 15 minutes   1     £30/hour (£7.50)      Curtis 206
                           attaching (2 × band 5 nurse) (10–15 minutes)                 (£5.00–7.50)
                           Baseline observations    10 minutes per hour   4    £30/hour £20.00       Curtis 206
                           (band 5 nurse)        (5–10 minutes per hour)                (£10.00–20.00)
                           Equipment adjustment   4 minutes per      4         £30/hour £8.00        Curtis 206
                           (band 5 nurse)        adjustment (N/A)                       (N/A)
                           Site check (band 5 nurse)  5 minutes per check   4  £30/hour £10.00       Curtis 206
                                                 (N/A)                                  (N/A)
                           Total labour costs                                           £77.46
                           a   These values did not vary between base case and ‘worst case’ analyses.

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