Page 174 - 15Diarrhoeaandvomiting
P. 174
Appendix A
Figure A.2 shows the one-way sensitivity analysis for the probability of phlebitis. This probability
is ranged from 1 to 10% to illustrate how this changes the incremental costs of IVT. Figure A.3
shows the one-way sensitivity analysis for the probability of paralytic ileus, again ranging from
1 to 10%. Finally, Figure A.4 shows the one-way sensitivity analysis with varying costs of ORT
(this can be considered equivalent to a sensitivity analysis varying the cost differential between
ORT and IVT).
Multi-way sensitivity analysis is where several parameters values are changed simultaneously,
although one of the difficulties with this technique is the huge number of possible permutations
that may exist. An alternative method to evaluate the uncertainty across several model parameters
is to use a technique called probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA). This involves setting a
Figure A.2 One-way sensitivity analysis varying the probability of phlebitis as a complication of IVT
Figure A.3 One-way sensitivity analysis varying the probability of paralytic ileus