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      Smolyakov, R., K. Riesenberg, et al. (2002). "Streptococcal Septic
      Arthritis and Necrotizing Fasciitis in an Intravenous Drug User Couple
      Sharing Needles." IMAJ 4: 302-303.

      Sullivan, L. and D. A. Fiellin (2004). "Hepatitis C and HIV Infections:
      Implications for Clinical Care in Injection Drug Users." The American
      Journal on Addictions 13: 1-20.

              Our objective is to provide a state-of-the-art review on hepatitis C (HCV)
              and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in injection drug  users
              (IDUs),  highlighting important clinical issues. We performed a literature
              review from the MEDLINE database for research from 1966 to 2003, with
              an emphasis on recent consensus documents. Of the estimated 15 million
              illicit drug users in the U.S., approximately 1.0 to 1.5 million inject drugs.
              IDUs  are at significant risk of contracting HCV and HIV, with IDUs
              accounting for 60% of new HCV cases and 25% of new HIV infections. It
              is a major risk factor for HCV/HIV coinfection, which significantly impacts
              on each disorder’s progression. It appears that treatment response in IDUs
              with  HCV or HIV is similar to non-IDUs with these viruses and that
              medication adherence and treatment outcomes are optimized when linked
              with  substance  abuse treatment. Providers caring for patients who are or
              were IDUs must be aware of the management of these diseases and make
              efforts to integrate their medical care with the treatment of their substance

      Werner, S. B., D. Passaro, et al. (2000). "Wound Botulism in
      California, 1951-1998: Recent Epidemic in Heroin Injectors." Clinical
      Infectious Diseases 31: 1018-1024
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