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brain opiate receptors and allows normalization of brain function, so
the patient starts ‘acting normal.’
Reduction In Medical Problems By Methadone Maintenance
Some of the benefits of methadone maintenance treatment are related
to reduction in illness, whether related to opiates or to other dangerous
practices that are tied to active addiction.
For example, stopping injection drug use reduces admissions to
hospitals for abscesses or other skin infections, or endocarditis (heart
infection). It has been very clearly documented that methadone
maintenance treatment reduces the sero-conversion to HIV.
In the case of pregnant women on MMT, babies will be born healthier
by avoiding heroin.
As shown above in the outcomes table, MMT saves lives (reduces the
death rate, or mortality). Most of these addiction-related deaths are
opiate overdoses, when actively addicted persons inject too much
heroin at one time and stop breathing.
Table 3
Medical problems related to opiate addiction
Opiate overdose and death
HIV infection from contaminated needles. Patients may develop
Hepatitis B or C from contaminated needles, cookers, cotton, water.
Chronic hepatitis may lead to cirrhosis and liver failure.
Endocarditis (heart infection) from contaminated injection into the
bloodstream. Heart valves are destroyed and may require open heart
Abscess or cellulitis from contaminated needle injection into the
skin and subcutaneous tissue. May require incision and drainage, or
IV antibiotics.
Necrotizing fasciitis from contaminated needles. Large areas of skin
and muscle tissue may be lost, even if the patient survives.