Page 15 - 81Sulfonation-Sulfation Processing Technology for Anionic Surfactant Manufacture_opt
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282                                               Advances in Chemical Engineering

            higher sulfonation degrees. Although the coloration is identified mostly as an esthetic factor
            for the commercialization of sulfonates, higher colorations can also be a qualitative indicator
            of over-sulfonation. Anionic  surfactants  in aqueous  solution have colors  ranging  from
            yellow to reddish orange (Inagaki, 2001).

            6. Film SO 3-sulfonation applied
            6.1 Sulfonation of methyl ester with SO 3

            Use of  methyl esters  (ME)  in the industry  detergent, although  under investigation and
            development since more than 25 years, has not yet expanded to high levels, mainly because
            the following reason:

            i.   Controversial forecasts about availability of petrochemical feedstocks with related cost
                comparison via vs. natural sources;
            ii.  Viability of sufficient quality of sulfonation grade methyl esters;
            iii.  The process to produce high quality  -sulfonated methyl ester (SME) is generally more
                complex than that for alkyl benzene sulfonates;
            iv.  Application know-how is  not  yet  completely  availed  and  low FAMES  solubility
                involves some restrictions in application, notably concerning the use in liquid detergent
                products and low temperature washing cycles.

            Complex  chemistry  is  not  yet  fully  elucidated, but  may  be summarized  as  is  shown in
            Figure 15 (Morales & Martínez, 2009).

            Fig. 15. Mechanism of methyl ester sulfonation in sulfonator (Torres et al., 2009b)

            The methyl ester molecule is initially di-sulfonated in a relatively fast reaction accompanied
            with a high amount  of heat  released  (Roberts, 2003). There is  a  third  reaction stage
            considerably slower than the previous ones, where an SO 3 group is liberated (on aging). For
            some researchers, this  SO 3  group  just  released  would  be  especially  active and  therefore
            capable of directly  sulfonating  another methyl  ester molecule in an alfa position. The

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