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Battaglini et al., 1986; Schambil & Schwuger, 1990). The progress of the reaction is decisive
for sulfonation degree expressed as amount active matter.
Physicals and chemicals properties used in model are listed in Table 5.
Parameters Correlation
r kC SO C ME (22)
Kinetic in sulfonator, kmol/m 3 s (Torres et al., 3
2008a) 19
k 1,14 10 e T (23)
D SME-ME = 3,12 10 11 T L (24)
L 2/3
Diffusivity, m 2 /s (Wilke & Chang, 1955) D ME-SME = 6,288 10 11 T 2/3 (25)
D SO3= 2,031 10 10 T L 2/3 (26)
1000 L
Gas thermal conductivity, J/msK (Davis et al., k G = 0,0279
Heat capacity of liquid, J/kmolK (Broström, 1975; c L = 507,300 + 101,010x (27)
Reid et al., 1987)
Heat capacity of gas mix, J/kmolK (Same at c G = 29,82
Liquid mixture density, kg/m 3 (Talens & ρ L = 980 + 192x – 0,66T L (28)
Gutiérrez, 1995; Broström, 1975)
Liquid thermal conductivity, J/msK (Davis et al.,
1979) k L = 0,276
Surface tension, N/m (de Groot, 1991) = 0,046
Viscosity of methyl esters mix, kg/ms (Torres & 1949,6
Sánchez, 2008) ME = 8 10 e 6 273 T L (29)
Viscosity of methyl esters sulfonic acid, kg/ms 5700
(Talens & Gutiérrez, 1995) SME 1,36 10 8 e L T 5,88 (30)
Viscosity of gas mix, kg/ms (Same at nitrogen) G = 1,910 -5
a) 0< x ≤ 0,25: (31)
L 2,72 10 6 e L T 3,86x
b) 0,25 < x ≤ 0,6: (32)
Viscosity of liquid mix, kg/ms (Broström, 1975; 4850
Talens & Gutiérrez, 1995) 9 L T 1,035x
L 3,7 10 e 0,003
c) 0,6 < x < 1: (33)
L 3,7 10 9 e L T 5,22x 0,003
All thermal conductivity, J/msK (Davis et al., 1979) k w = 16,3
Table 5. Correlation to estimate heat and mass transfer coefficients and properties of organic
liquid and gas mixture (Torres & Sánchez, 2009)