Page 23 - 81Sulfonation-Sulfation Processing Technology for Anionic Surfactant Manufacture_opt
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290 Advances in Chemical Engineering
H reaction enthalpy, J/kmol
h heat transfer coefficient, J/(m 2 sK)
k reaction rate constant, m 3 /kmols; thermal conductivity, J/msK; mass transfer
coefficient, kmol/m 2 s
L reactor length, m
M mole ratio SO 3/ME
m Henry constant, (kmol of SO 3/m 3 of gas)/(kmol of SO 3/m 3 of liquid)
N mass flux of gaseous reactant, kmol/m 2 s
P pressure, atm
Q heat of reaction, J/mol
r reaction rate
Re Reynolds number, dimensionless: Re G = ρu(d – 2δ)/ ; Re L = 4Г/ .
Sc Schmidt number, dimensionless
T temperature, K
U global heat transfer coefficient, J/(m 2 sK)
u turbulence characteristic velocity of gas, m/s
x conversion expressed as molar fraction of the sulfonic acid, dimensionless
v axial velocity of liquid film, m/s
y transversal coordinate (from wall toward the liquid free surface)
y + non-dimensional distance to the wall: y( wg/ρ) ½ /
z axial coordinate
Greek letters
volumetric flow rate of the liquid per unit wetted perimeter, m 2 /s
δ film thickness, m
δ + dimensionless film thickness, δ + = δu/
φ roughness enhancement factor, dimensionless
liquid viscosity, kg/ms
kinematic viscosity, m 2 /s
ρ liquid density, kg/m 3
interfacial shear stress, N/m 2
Surface tension, N/m
A absorbing specie
ex exterior
G gas phase
i interface
in interior
L liquid phase
lm logarithmic mean
T turbulent
w wall
9. Acknowledgment
Gratefully acknowledge at Dr. Federico I. Talens Alesson from University of Nottingham
(UK), Dr. David W. Roberts from Liverpool John Moores University (UK) and Dr. Icilio