Page 23 - 81Sulfonation-Sulfation Processing Technology for Anionic Surfactant Manufacture_opt
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290                                               Advances in Chemical Engineering

             H      reaction enthalpy, J/kmol
            h       heat transfer coefficient, J/(m 2 sK)
            k       reaction rate constant, m 3 /kmols;  thermal  conductivity, J/msK;  mass  transfer
                    coefficient, kmol/m 2 s
            L       reactor length,  m
            M       mole ratio SO 3/ME
            m       Henry constant, (kmol of SO 3/m 3  of gas)/(kmol of SO 3/m 3  of liquid)
            N       mass flux of gaseous reactant, kmol/m 2 s
            P       pressure, atm
            Q       heat of reaction, J/mol
            r       reaction rate
            Re      Reynolds number, dimensionless: Re G = ρu(d – 2δ)/ ; Re L = 4Г/ .
            Sc      Schmidt number, dimensionless
            T       temperature, K
            U       global heat transfer coefficient, J/(m 2 sK)
            u       turbulence characteristic velocity of gas, m/s
            x       conversion expressed as molar fraction of the sulfonic acid, dimensionless
            v       axial velocity of liquid film, m/s
            y       transversal coordinate (from wall toward the liquid free surface)
            y +     non-dimensional distance to the wall: y(  wg/ρ) ½ /
            z       axial coordinate
            Greek letters
                    volumetric flow rate of the liquid per unit wetted perimeter, m 2 /s
            δ       film thickness, m
            δ +     dimensionless film thickness, δ +  = δu/
            φ       roughness enhancement factor, dimensionless
                    liquid  viscosity, kg/ms
                    kinematic viscosity, m 2 /s
            ρ       liquid density, kg/m 3
                    interfacial shear stress, N/m 2
                    Surface tension, N/m

            A       absorbing specie
            ex      exterior
            G       gas  phase
            i       interface
            in      interior
            L       liquid  phase
            lm      logarithmic  mean
            T       turbulent
            w       wall

            9. Acknowledgment
            Gratefully  acknowledge at  Dr. Federico  I. Talens  Alesson  from  University  of Nottingham
            (UK), Dr. David  W. Roberts  from  Liverpool John Moores  University  (UK) and  Dr. Icilio

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