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                                                     Vivien M. McNamara
                                                        David P. Drake

                             Introduction                        Table 43.1: Causes of tracheomalacia.
          The normal trachea is supported by up to 20 horseshoe-shaped cartilage   Primary  Cause usually unknown.
          rings completed by a posterior membranous wall. In tracheomalacia,   Absent or deformed tracheal cartilage rings.
          these cartilages may be abnormally shaped, small, or even absent, with   Secondary  Oesophageal atresia with or without tracheo-oesophageal
          a detrimental effect on the support of the trachea. The anteroposterior   fistula.
          (AP) diameter of the tracheal lumen becomes reduced, especially dur-  Extrinsic vascular compression: vascular ring (e.g., double
          ing periods of increased airflow. The dynamic movement of the malacic   aortic arch), aberrant vessel (e.g., anomalous innominate
          segment  becomes  most  pronounced  during  the  exertion  of  feeding,   artery or pulmonary artery sling), or (mediastinal mass).
          crying,  or  coughing.  Symptoms  can  range  from  mild  to  severe,  the   Prolonged tracheal intubation and ventilation (especially
          latter culminating in complete airway obstruction. Mild cases can be   cuffed tubes).
          managed conservatively with the expectation of spontaneous recovery,   Tracheostomy.
          usually within the first two years of life.                       Connective tissue disorder (e.g., Larsen’s syndrome).
            Associated  medical  problems  including  gastro-oesophageal  reflux
          and  pneumonia,  require  aggressive  treatment.  More  severe  cases   Chronic  inflammation  of  the  tracheal  cartilages  occurs  with
          of  tracheomalacia  require  supportive  therapy,  diagnostic  imaging   prolonged  intubation  or  following  a  tracheostomy.  This  deleterious
          and  endoscopic  evaluation,  and  a  few  may  require  early  surgical   effect  of  mucosal  ischaemia  caused  by  the  localised  pressure  of  the
          intervention to prevent acute life-threatening airway collapse.
                                                                 intratracheal  tubing,  especially  with  cuffed  tubes,  will  compound
                               Aetiology                         airway compromise and can delay successful decannulation.
          Tracheomalacia  may  be  primary  (congenital  absence  or  deformity  of   Presentation
          tracheal rings; the cause is often unknown) or secondary (in conjunc-
                                                                 Signs and symptoms of tracheomalacia vary from mild to severe and
          tion with another pathology) (see Table 43.1). The latter group includes
                                                                 life  threatening  (Table  43.2).  Many  infants  exhibit  a  simple  barking
          oesophageal atresia (OA), with or without tracheo-oesophageal fistula
                                                                 cough  but  otherwise  are  not  troubled  by  their  mild  tracheomalacia.
          (TOF); a vascular ring (e.g., double aortic arch); vascular compression
                                                                 For those with OA/TOF, the term “TOF cough” is frequently used to
          (aberrant  innominate  artery  or  pulmonary  artery  sling);  or  extrinsic
                                                                 describe  the  characteristic  sound  made.  Expiratory  stridor  indicates
          compression from another source (e.g., a mediastinal mass). It may also
                                                                 increasing  airway  obstruction.  Crying,  agitation,  and  coughing  make
          occur in association with prolonged positive pressure ventilation or fol-
                                                                 the degree of malacic collapse more pronounced. Signs of respiratory
          lowing a tracheostomy. It is rarely seen in association with connective
                                                                 distress, including tachypnoea and intercostal recession, herald further
          tissue disorders (e.g., Larsen’s syndrome). Tracheomalacia commonly
                                                                 airway compromise, and the stridor may become biphasic. Increasing
          affects the distal third of the trachea, but can rarely extend into the bron-
                                                                 severity with infections, including the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
          chi. When associated with TOF in infants with OA, the malacic segment
                                                                 infection, is to be expected, and recurrent respiratory sepsis is common.
          is located in the middle third of the trachea. Isolated bronchomalacia is
                                                                   Feeding provides particular challenges, especially in an infant with
          usually associated with major cardiac pathologies and is frequently fatal.
                                                                 tracheomalacia following surgery for OA. Distention of the proximal
            The  incidence  of  tracheomalacia  is  unknown,  but  it  is  the  most
                                                                 oesophagus,  especially  with  a  solid  bolus,  may  cause  compression
          common cause of expiratory stridor in infants and children. It is most   of  the  posterior  trachea  and  worsen  the  symptoms.  This  is  further
          often  identified  secondary  to  OA/TOF. 1,  2,  3   In  affected  infants,  the
                                                                 compounded by poor oesophageal motility, anastomotic strictures, and
          tracheal cartilage rings fail to develop normally, especially at the site of   gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR). Feeding difficulties may lead to poor
          the previously ligated fistula.  This has long been thought to occur as
                                                                 weight gain.
          a result of extrinsic pressure of the adjacent dilated upper oesophageal
                                                                   The  most  severe  tracheomalacia  is  complicated  by  hypoxia  and
          pouch, although more recent evidence suggests an early embryological   cyanosis. With major airway collapse, following a period of significant
          disturbance of tracheal development. 5
                                                                 respiratory distress, complete obstruction may supervene and the infant
            Localised tracheomalacia secondary to extrinsic compression, from
                                                                 will lose consciousness. At this stage, the collapsed airway will relax
          either  a  vascular  ring  (double  aortic  arch)  or  an  aberrant  aortic  arch
                                                                 and  open  again,  but  with  no  guarantee  that  normal  ventilation  will
          or pulmonary artery (PA) vessel, form a small but important group of
                                                                 resume. These events are often referred to as “dying spells” or acute
          affected infants. A double aortic arch results from persistent left and right
                                                                 life-threatening events (ALTEs). The resulting hypoxia may be severe
          dorsal  aortic  segments,  compared  to  the  normal  aortic  arch  in  which
                                                                 and prolonged, leading to bradycardia, cerebral anoxia, asystole, and
          there is regression of the right dorsal aorta by week 8 postconception.
                                                                 even death. Immediate resuscitation, often by the parents, is vital and is
          The extent and location of tracheal compression is variable; therefore,
                                                                 an indication for prompt surgical referral.
          so is the degree of malacia. In addition, compression of the oesophagus
                                                                   Most infants will demonstrate a gradual improvement of symptoms
          may present with dysphagia. A double aortic arch will compress both the
                                                                 over the first year or two of life as the tracheal cartilages become more
          trachea and oesophagus.
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