Page 5 - Surface-Confined Assemblies and Polymers for Molecular Logic
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Surface-Confined Assemblies and Polymers de Ruiter and van der Boom

          TABLE 2. Characteristics Table for the Combinatorial Logic Circuit
          (Figure 6) Operating with One Chemical Input (I 1 =Cr 6þ 32
          entry     Cr 6þ    current state  next state  output
           1         0          1             1          1
           2         1          1             0          0
           3         0          0             0          0
           4         1          0             0          0

                                                               FIGURE 7. StatediagramoftheMealyMachine(SR-Latch) generatedwiththe
                                                               Os -based monolayer with Co 2þ  (Set) and Cr 6þ  (Reset) as inputs. The corre-
                                                               sponding truth table and logic circuit are shown in Table 3 and Figure 14. 32
          FIGURE 6. Sequential logic circuit based on the optical output of an  logic circuit, as shown in Figure 6, and is equivalent to the
          Os 2þ -based monolayer that operates according to Table 2. Adapted                                 9
                                                               operation of the Cr -sensor without performing a reset.
          with permission from ref 32. Copyright 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
          KgaA.                                                   Building on those observations, we mimicked random ac-
                                                               cess memory (RAM), in the form of a flip-flop device. 32  These
                                                               devices consist of cross-coupled NOR gates that reinforce each
          TABLE 3. Characteristics Table of a Logic Circuit, Operating as a Flip-Flop 32
                                                               other, so that only one input can be high (1) at the same time,
                    inputs                            output
          entry   S     R     current state  next state  Q     to low (0). This kind of latching circuitry is the elementary unit
           1      0     0         0          0          0      from which static RAM (SRAM) is constructed. 10  The Set/Reset
           2      1     0         0          1          1
           3      0     1         0          0          0      (SR)-Latch is operated with Co 2þ  (=Set) and Cr 6þ  (=Reset) as
           4      0     0         1          1          1      inputs to address the two internal states (Os 2þ /Os 3þ ). The
           5      1     0         1          1          1
           6      0     1         1          0          0      output, Q, is the absorption intensity of the Os 2þ/3þ -based
           7      1     1                undefined  undefined
                                                               monolayer recorded at λ = 496 nm (Table 3; Figures 7 and
                                                               14). The operation characteristics of our setup are equivalent
          machines. 10  This sequential feature adds an extra level of  to that of a conventional SR-latch: (i) State 1 (Os 2þ ) is written
          complexity to the design and operation of such molecular-  and preserved when the Set input is pulsed high (input = 1),
          based logic platforms. Both combinatorial and sequential logic  and (ii) state 0 (Os ) iswritten and preserved if the Reset input
          circuits are present in computers. However, molecular sequen-  is pulsed high (input = 1), after state 1 is eliminated. The
          tial logic has been less explored (Figure 3). 2931  Remacle and  simultaneous operation of inputs Set=1 and Reset=1 is not
          Levine reported the potential useofsinglemoleculespectros-  allowed, as this situation is undefined. Moreover, the state of
          copy for generating finite state machines. 29        the SR-latch is stored when both Set and Reset are kept low
            The sequential operations with our setup are also based  (input = 0). UV/vis spectroscopy indicated that the retention
          on the presence or absence of an arbitrary chemical input,  time ofthesestatesis10minwithonlyminorsignal reduction.
          which is defined as a logical 1 or 0, respectively. 32  The  Combinatorial logic with three chemical inputs, Cr 6þ ,
          generated output is dependent on the formal oxidation  Co 2þ , and Ir 3þ , was also demonstrated by changing the
          state of the system and is defined as Os 2þ  (1) and Os 3þ  (0).  initial state before each operation. The system was operated
          For example, a one-input sequential system was designed  with Os 2þ  (output A) as the starting state before each
          with an aqueous solution of Cr 6þ  (pH = 0) as the input. The  combination of inputs, and with Os 3þ  (output B) used as
          four possible combinations were demonstrated with the same  the starting state (Table 4). If the starting states are always
          monolayer and are shown in Table 2. Only when Cr 6þ  is  formatted to the same value, they are independent of the
          present and the osmium-based monolayer is in state 1  previous input and combinatorial logic is performed. In
          (Os ) does the logic gate change to state 0. Since the current  this case with Os 2þ  (logic 1) as the starting state, the metal
          state is variable, the output becomes dependent on the prev-  center only becomes oxidized if Cr 6þ  or Ir 3þ  is present.
          ious input of the logic gate. This corresponds to the sequential  Consequently, this system mimics the behavior of the

                                                                   Vol. 44, No. 8 ’ 2011 ’ 563–573 ’ ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ’ 567
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