Page 4 - Surface-Confined Assemblies and Polymers for Molecular Logic
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Surface-Confined Assemblies and Polymers de Ruiter and van der Boom

          FIGURE 3. Representative milestones in molecular logic. The timeline does not include bioinspired systems. 24

                                                               FIGURE 5. (A) Schematic representation of gate-to-gate communication
                                                               between Os and Ru-based monolayers, mediated by Fe 2þ  as messenger
                                                               and operating with three chemical inputs I 1 =Fe 3þ , I 2 =H 2 O, and
                                                               I 3 =Ce 4þ . (B) Corresponding logic circuit operating according to:
                                                               F =[A þ B]C. Adapted with permission from ref 27. Copyright 2008
                                                               Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA.
          FIGURE 4. Representation of the information transfer, mediated by a
          messenger component (Fe 2þ/3þ ), between Os- and Ru-based monolayers.  by Fe , whereas the concurrently formed Fe 2þ reduces a series
          Adapted with permission from ref 27. Copyright 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag  of Ru -based monolayers. The simultaneous readout of the
          GmbH & Co. KgaA.                                                                     2þ
                                                               light absorption intensities of the Ru -based monolayers,
                                                               which are placed in parallel to each other, provides the output.
          The metal center is only reduced (logical 1) when water or Fe 2þ
                                                               The gain can be controlled by the addition of a Fe -chelating
          (generated by the Os -based monolayer) is present and in the
                                                               ligand such as 2,2 -bipyridine.
          absence of Ce , which is a strong oxidizing agent that keeps
          both the osmium and ruthenium in an oxidized state. The OR  IV. Sequential Logic and Memory
          gate present in the circuit is generated partly by the Os -based  In sequential logic, the output is determined by the current
          monolayer, which communicates its output as Fe , toward the  state of the system and the input currently present. The current
          AND gate, represented by the Ru -based monolayer. This  state is usually a function of the previous input, and hence, the
          corresponds to the logic circuit shown in Figure 5B. These  molecular-based system behaves as a basic memory element.
          findings have been extended by us to a system that amplifies  In contrast, in combinatorial logic, the output solely depends
          its optical signature upon reaction with FeCl 3 . 28  Covalently  on the current inputs. Consequently, sequential logic systems
          immobilized Os 2þ  complexes on a glass substrate are oxidized  arecommonlyusedinmemorydevices as wellasinfinite state
          566 ’ ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ’ 563–573 ’ 2011 ’ Vol. 44, No. 8
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