Page 3 - Surface-Confined Assemblies and Polymers for Molecular Logic
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Surface-Confined Assemblies and Polymers de Ruiter and van der Boom

          SCHEME 1. Polypyridyl Complexes (A,B) and Conductive Polymers (C) Used for MBLC on Solid Support (i.e., Silicon, Glass, and IndiumTin Oxide (ITO)
          Coated Glass) 32,37,38,40

                                                               FIGURE 2. Logic circuit operating with three chemical inputs (I 1 =Ce ,
                                                               I 2 =H 2 O,andI 3 =NO 2 ), accordingtoF = A[B þ C]. Adaptedwithpermission
                                                               from ref 11. Copyright 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA.

                                                                  Physical integration of molecular logic gates has proven
                                                               to be difficult, especially because of inhomogeneity between
          FIGURE 1. Representative absorption spectra of osmium-polypyridyl  inputs and outputs. This is of critical importance, as homo-
          complexes (Scheme 1A) covalently bound to a quartz substrate when (a)
                                                               geneity allows for communication between (different) logic
          reduced (Os ; red trace) and (b) oxidized (Os ; blue trace). The dotted lines
                                                               gates. There are a few examples of communication through
          indicate the threshold values that determine the value of the binary digits
          (1 or 0) at two selected wavelengths (317 and 516 nm). Adapted with  molecular intermediates. One of these is the three-phase test
          permissionfromref11.Copyright2008Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH& Co.KgaA.  where messenger molecules are generated by a polymer-
                                                               bound material and detected by another polymer. 25  Credi
          TABLE 1. Truth Table for the Combinatorial Logic Circuit (Figure 2) Oper-  et al. reported another example where the communication
          ating with Three Chemical Inputs (I 1 =Ce , I 2 =H 2 O, and I 3 =NO 2 ) 11  between a merocyanine derivative and an osmium terpyridyl
                             chemical Inputs                   complexbymeans of H was demonstrated. 26  We explored
                                                               the communication between Os - and Ru -based mono-
          entry       Ce 4þ      H 2 O      NO 2       output
           1           0          0          0           1     layersbymeansofaFe 2þ/3þ redoxcouple. Subsequently,we
           2           0          0          1           0     used this to concatenate logic gates. 11,27,28  The electrochemi-
           3           0          1          0           1
           4           0          1          1           1     cal potential of Fe 3þ  is high enough to oxidize Os 2þ  but not
           5           1          0          0           0        2þ                  2þ                 3þ
           6           1          0          1           0     Ru   . On the other hand, Fe  is able to reduce Ru  but not
           7           1          1          0           0     Os 3þ ; therefore, the redox couple can be used to transfer
           8           1          1          1           0
                                                               information from one monolayer to the other (Figure 4).
                                                                  The communication was subsequently used to construct a
          circuits were constructed with compounds that rely on the  logic circuit that relies on physical integration rather than on
          functional integration of logic gates; that is, one molecular  functionalintegration.UsingOs -andRu -basedmonolayers
          based assembly represents an entire logic circuit rather than  as information processors, in combination with Fe ,H 2 O, and
          a gate. 23  This is unprecedented in silicon technology and  Ce 4þ  as inputs, a logic circuit is constructed by monitoring the
          underscores the potential power of MBLC.             output of the Ru -based monolayer at λ = 463 nm (Figure 5A).
                                                                   Vol. 44, No. 8 ’ 2011 ’ 563–573 ’ ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ’ 565
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