Page 208 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
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W. B. Langdon. The distribution of reversible functions is Normal. In R. L. Riolo and
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W. B. Langdon. Global distributed evolution of L-systems fractals. In M. Keijzer, et al.,
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W. B. Langdon. Pfeiffer – A distributed open-ended evolutionary system. In B. Edmonds,
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W. B. Langdon. The distribution of amorphous computer outputs. In S. Stepney and
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W. B. Langdon. Mapping non-conventional extensions of genetic programming. In C. S.
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W. B. Langdon and W. Banzhaf. A SIMD interpreter for genetic programming on GPU
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W. B. Langdon, S. J. Barrett, and B. F. Buxton. Predicting biochemical interactions
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W. B. Langdon and B. F. Buxton. Genetic programming for mining DNA chip data
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W. B. Langdon and A. P. Harrison. GP on SPMD parallel graphics hardware for mega
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