Page 25 - 45The Paranormal
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number of individuals actually do exhibit related psychologicaV patholog-
ical tendencies,
Su bjects/xevwords
angels (BL477; BT965-968); cheuosophy; demoniac possession (BF 1555;
BS2545.D5); divining-rod; dowsers; dowsing (BF1628; 26878.D6); evil
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spirits; exorcism (BFI 559; BV873.ES; BX2340; GR540; Z6878.E9); fairies
(BF 1552; GR549-552); faith healing; fortune-telling (BF 1850- 189 1); incu-
bi (BF1556); kirlian photogrophy (TR760); palmisw (BF910-935);
phrenology (BF866-885; RZ501; 27204.P47); precognition (BF1325); pre-
monitions; prophecies (BFI 783- 18 15); psychic healing; psychic sueery
(RZ403.P75); spirit possession; spirits (BT960-962); spiritual healing
(BF1275F3); tarot (BF1879.TZ; GV1295T37); vampires (BF1556;
GR830.V3); water witching; wemolves (GR830.W4; 26878.W4)
!The American Dowser [American Society of Dowsers] (1 96 1 -)
Journal of the British Society of Dowsers (1933-)
Reference Works
Angels A to Z (J.R. Lewis & E.D. Oliver; Gale 1996) 485 p.
Blood: A fimpyric Bibliography (S.B. Cox; Coxland 1994) 50 p.
*Cunningham b Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (S. Cunningham; Lle-
wellyn 1985) 336 p.
The Dictionary ofpahishy (J.S. Bright; Asia Book Corporation of Amer-
ica 1984 (reprint of 1958 ed.)) 237 p.
!Dictionary ofthe Tarot (B. Butler; Schocken 1977) 253 p.
Dowsing Dictionary with Illuslrations (J. Baylis & A. Bartlow; Sun, Man,
Moon 1986) 252 p.
!Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy. . . (J.B. Payne; Harper & Row 1973)
754 p.