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Charles H. Smith                 31

            !Revue dyscetique et deMystique [asceticism & mysticism] (1920-1971)
           Reference Works

            !Cases of the Reincarnation Type [monograph series of case studies] (I.
              Stevenson; Univ. of Virginia 1975-1983) 4 vols.

   Downloaded by [Western Kentucky University] at 17:01 28 January 2016
            !The Continuum Encyclopedia of Symbols [signs & symbols] (U. Becker;
              Continuum 1994) 345 p.

            !A Dictionary of Miracles: Imitative, Realdtic, and Dogmatic (E.C. Brew-
              er; Omnigraphics 1992 (reprint of 1884 ed.)) 582 p.

            !Dictionary OfMysticbm (F. Gaynor, ed.; Philosophical Library 1953) 208 p.

            !*Dictionaly of Mysticism and the Esoteric Traditions o\r. Dr~ry; ABC-
              CLIO 1992 rev. ed.) 328 p.

            !Eastern Definitions: A Short Encyclopedia of Religions of the Orient (E.
              Rice; Doubleday 1978) 433 p.

           (Zolar k)  Encyclopedia of Omens, Signs, and Superstitions (Zolar; Pren-
              tice Hall 1989) 387 p.

           !The 14th-Centuly English Mystics: A  Comprehensive Annotated Bibliog-
              raphy (V.M. Lagorio & R. Bradley; Garland 198 1)  196 p.
           *Gur&e$  An AnnotatedBibliography (J.W. Driscoll; Garland 1985) 363 p.

           !The Harmonious Circle: The Lives and Work of G.I. Gurdjie8 PD. Ous-
             pensky, and theirFollowers [biog.] (J. Webb; Putnam 1980) 608 p.
           !An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mysticism and the Mystery Religions (J.
              Ferguson; Seabury 1977) 228 p.

           Introduccion a la Historia de la Literatura Mistica en Espaiia [history &
              bibliog.]  (P.  Sainz y  Rodriguez; Espasa-Calpe  1984 (reprint  of  1927
              ed.)) 326 p.
           !An Introduction to the Medieval Mystics of Europe:  Fourteen  Original
             Essays [biog.] (P.E. Szarmach, ed.; State Univ. ofNew York 1984) 376p.
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