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           mesmerism  (BFI 11 1-1 156;  RZ430;  26878.A54);  near-death  experiences
           (BFI 045.N4); out-of-body experiences [OBEs]; psi; psychical phenomena;
          psychokinesis (BF1371-1389); psychometly (BF1281-13 IS); remote viewing
           @arapsychologyl;  sixth sense; spirit mediums; spirit photogruphy (BF13 13;
           BF1381); spirit writings (BF1290-1308); telekinesis; telepathy (BF1161-I 171);
           thought-hansfercnce; wance (BF 1321-1353)

   Downloaded by [Western Kentucky University] at 17:01 28 January 2016
           !American Journal of  Clinical Hypnosis [American  Society of Clinical
             Hypnosis] (1958-)

           !Annual Review of Hypnosis Literature (1950-)

           Connecting Link [channeling] (?-)

          Dwum Network Journal [dream interpretation; popular] (1 982-)
           !Dreaming [Association for the Study of Dreams] (1991-)

           !International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (1959-)

           !Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis [continued by Interna-
             tional Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis] (1953-1 958)

           !+Journal ofNear-Death Studies [formerly Anabiosis] (198 1 -)

          Spirit Speaks Magazine [channeling; popular] (1985-)

          Reference Works

          *#Animal Magnehim, Early Hypohi-m, and Psychical Research, 1766- 1925:
            An Annotated Bibliography (A. Crabtree; Kraus 1988) 522 p.

          *Channeling: A  Bibliographic Exploration (J.  Bjorling;  Garland  1992)
             363 p.

          *Dictionary ofHypnotism (A. Evangelista; Greenwood  1991) 273 p.

          Dream Dictionary: A  Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences (T. Crisp;
             Optima  1990) 345 p.
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