Page 21 - 45The Paranormal
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example, much of the matter of theosophy- body of teachings owing its
conceptual origins to the ancient traditions of Indian philosophy and
religion-concerns itself with alternate or transcendental interpretations of
natural processes, and one can hardly come to grips with such topics as
astral projection or reincarnation without having at least some awareness
of it. And, of course, there are many other mystical traditions as well; so
many, in fact, that no one person could ever hope to become even passing-
ly aware of them all.
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anthmpmophy (BP595-597; Z7835.M); mtral bo& (BF1389A7; BP573.A7);
cabala [kabala] (BFI 585-1623; BM525; 26371.C2); cabalism; eckunkur
(BP605.E3); esoteric philosophy; brmu (BF1045K37; BJ1499.M); miracle
workers; miracles (BL487; BS1199.M5; BS2545.M5; BT97; 27816); mysti-
cimz (B728; B828; BL625; BV5070-5095; Z6878.W; 27128.M9; 278 19);
mystics (BV5095); nurnemlogy (BF1623.P9); past-lives regression; rein-
carnation (BLS 15; BP573.R5); tanh-ism (BQ8900-9099); theosophists
(BP580-585); theosophy (BP500-585; 26878.T4); transmigration (BD426;
BL525); visions (BFl100-1108; BV5091.V6)
!Adyar Libraly Bulletin (Madras) [theosophy; also called Brahmavidya]
!The Aryan Path (Bombay) [theosophy] (1930-)
Centric [Esoteric Philosophy Center; esoteric philosophy] (1974-)
!Darshana International [Indic philosophy & psychical research] (1 96 I-)
!Four Worlds Journal [mysticism, cabalism] (1984-)
! 14th Centuv English Mystics Newsletter [continued by Mystics Quarter-
ly] (1975-1983)
!+Gnosis [Lumen Foundation; mysticism; general] (1 98s)
!Kabbalah (Jerusalem) (1985-)
!Mystics Quarterly [mysticism of the Middle Ages] (1984-)