Page 27 - 45The Paranormal
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           aspects from the  scientific study of the  subject. The  field of psychical
           research arose in the late 1800s in an attempt to systematically explore the
           abilities of mediums, mostly through direct examinations of seance phe-
           nomena. In the 1930s such study waned in favor of a new one developed
           by the psychologist J. B. Rhine, who advocated a more scientific approach
           grounded in the experimental method and analytical statistics. This new
           approach is now known as parapsychology, and attempts to treat the phe-
           nomena  of the  paranormal in a strictly conventional scientific  fashion,
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           drawing on conservative explanatory models.
           Su bjects/Keywords

           divination  (BFI 745-1 779);  fortean  phenomena;  New  Age  movement
           (BP605.N48; 27835.N48); occultism  (BF1404-1999; 26876-6880); oc-
           cultisb; paranormal; parapsychology (BF100 1-1389; 26878.P8); psychic
           ability; psychic energy (BF175.5 P72); psychical research; psychics; psy-
           choenergetics; spiritism; spiritualism (BD33 1;  BF1228-1389; 26878.S8);
           spiritualists; supernatural (BF 1001 - 1999; BL 100; GRSOO-5 10)

           !Advances in ParapsychologicaI Research (1977- 1987)

           Applied Psi Newsletter [Center for Applied Intuition] (1982-)

           !ASPR Newsletter [American Society for Psychical Research] (1968-1993)
           Beyond Reality [popular] (1 972-)

           !Bibliographic Guide to Psychology [New York Public Library; includes
             psychcal research and occultism] (1975)

           !Brain, Mind & Common Sense [New Age and parapsychology] (1976-)
           Circle Network News [New Age, occultism, parapsychology] (197%)

           Eumpean Journal of Parapgchology [Parapsychology Association] (19744

           !Exceptional Human Experience [parapsychology; continues Parapsychol-
             ogy Abstracts International] (1990-)

           !Fate [occultism] (1948-)
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