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Charles H. Smiih                 39

             !Revue d'Hi.stoire de la Spiritualite [continues Revue  dXscelique . . . J

            Skeptic  [Skeptics Society; scientific approach to  paranormal phenomena]

            The Skeptic  (Australia)  [scientific approach  to paranormal  phenomena]
               (1 98 1-)
   Downloaded by [Western Kentucky University] at 17:01 28 January 2016
             !+#The Skeptical Inquirer [Committee for the Scientific Investigation of
               Claims of the Paranormal; continues The Zetetic] (1978-)
            TAT Journal [TAT Foundation; parapsychology, mysticism] (1977-)

             !Theoretical Parapsychology [continues Psychoenergetics] (1988-)

             !Theta [also called Journal of  the Psychical Research Foundation] (1 963-)
             !Tomorrow [psychical research] (1941-1966)

             Univercolian [ancient mysteries] (1982-)
             Unknown (Newsletter) [unexplained phenomena] (1 969-)

            !+Venture Inward  [Association  for  Research  and  Enlightenment;  New
              Age, psychic evolution] (1984-)
            ! +Zeitschriftfir Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie [con-
               tinues Neue ~ssenscha~] (1 970-)
            !+The Zetetic Scholar [Center for Scientific Anomalies Research; scientif-
               ic anomalies, occultism and parapsychology] (1978-irregular)

            Handbooks, Dictionaries and Eneyclopedias

            !*Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions, and the Occult (G.A. Mather &
              L.A. Nichols; Zondervan 1993) 384 p.

            !*Dictiona?y ofMysticism and the Occult (N. Drury; Harper & Row 1985)
              281 p.

            *Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic, and Alchemical Sigils (F. Gettings; Rout-
              ledge&K. Paul 1981)410p.
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